Mackdude posted: (8th Jun 2010 09:31 pm)
microchip posted: (8th Jun 2010 12:03 am)
I know for fact! That Renas server is still being made, Actually my best friend is Renas Mapper, Renas Arena is basically a small test server, As she only has one map.
Oh, so she puts it on every now and then?
Yep, so far developments been slow due to exams and work.
Next week when Azathoia finishes his final exams he'll be able to get back to work on his quests.
The first public release will just be the starting island (About 20 maps) along with a tutorial quest and a bunch of side quests.
I don't plan on having the excessive leveling again, however there will be plenty of rewards and new powers at each level ;)
Now for some EOSEP features ;) (Btw, EOSEP = Endless Online Server Emulation Project = My Server :P)
Dynamic NPC Scripted Engine
- You can update your npc AI without rebooting the server
Dynamic Quest Scripted Engine
- You can write quests, attach them to npcs and update them without rebooting the server
Scripted Spell Engine
- Makes spells to do more interesting things, like short range teleporting or area of effect damage.
Scripted Buff Engine
- Allows for special magic effects to remain on the player for a short time, such as increased defence or health regeneration.
NPC Spell System
- Npcs can cast spells
Pet System
- Pets will follow your commands, attack other npcs and help in PK. They can also cast healing spells on you and pick up items. Pets stats increase with each point in CHA.
Random Dungeon Generator
- Builds a random dungeon including npcs and traps using a selection of prebuilt "maze parts"
Advanced Title System
- Lets you save upto 5 titles and change them at will. Titles will be quest rewards.
Balanced Exp System
- Only monsters whoses level's are near yours will actually give decent exp. This is to stop people power training friends or ksing low level players.
Anti-hack System
- Prevents many popular hacks such as speed and ghost.
And lots of other little things ;)
Hopefully this'll be playable very very soon (Just waiting on Lazythoia >.<).