EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Endless online, In your browser?
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Endless online, In your browser?
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Post #38431 Endless online, In your browser?

I've seen a certin site, and people are actually trying this, I'd just like to ask, What are the required coding to be able to do this?

I'm going to say PHP. 

Or could you do this with out anything... Would it take up to much bandwidth?

14 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #38486 Re: Endless online, In your browser?

Someone was working on it in flash. PHP wouldn't be used.

14 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #38489 Re: Endless online, In your browser?

Definitely flash. I would also assume the bandwidth consumption would be very high. Considering if you stream youtube videos for 6 hours you use (on average) about 4GB of transfer. A well made flash application can and will use a lot more, depending on the complexity. There is a game called Dofus, that is an RPG based 100% in flash. I played it for a couple weeks, until I got my internet bill and got charged an extra $60 for going over my limit.

Believe me when I say it's a VERY bad idea lol.

14 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #38491 Re: Endless online, In your browser?
Æ’eNix posted: (6th Jun 2010 05:03 am)

Definitely flash. I would also assume the bandwidth consumption would be very high. Considering if you stream youtube videos for 6 hours you use (on average) about 4GB of transfer. A well made flash application can and will use a lot more, depending on the complexity. There is a game calledDofus, that is an RPG based 100% in flash. I played it for a couple weeks, until I got my internet bill and got charged an extra $60 for going over my limit.

Believe me when I say it's a VERY bad idea lol.

Not true. Once the files are cached, it wouldn't use anymore than the current client.
14 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #38494 Re: Endless online, In your browser?

Flash uses more bandwidth then C because it's using both UDP and TCP for connections. It also requires more to send the packets. So it does use more then the current client, just not an issue for anyone who's got a decent connection I guess. I blame our Canadian ISPs for screwing us all around.

14 years, 30 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Endless online, In your browser?