Do not post a link to your website!
Just post two, so everyone gets a turn :)
I'd Recommend,, it's simple, you can do tons with it., is very easy, its just really bad templates.
Okay, that is my two.
I use paid hosting :p
Private domains and such from godaddy :D
I host my own webserver.
I recommend my work for all your webhosting needs! | :P kicks moi asshole
Edit: "moi" = more hahah
I've used 000webhost before, they're pretty good for features..
After that I moved to Zymic, who also let me use a free domain name of my choice except they lacked the bandwidth I needed.
Now I host my on server.
--- Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
I self host. Its useful when I need to get around the internet at school, just remote desktop home :P
Don't really actually use it much for a website anymore.
--- class EOSERV { Programmer | Oldbie Open source EO Client: };