EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Tell +'s and -'s from last poster!
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Tell +'s and -'s from last poster!
Author Message
Post #39219 Re: Tell +'s and -'s from last poster!


+ He had a good server till he shut it down
+ He's helpful, alot of posts on Seose and EOSERV

- Too many people troll the internet with that same name, i've seen about 18 of them on EO, all with horribly spelt versions.

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39223 Re: Tell +'s and -'s from last poster!

+ Ive known him for 1.5 yrs

+ Nice guy, shame everone around him is either fat, drunk or perverted XD

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39224 Re: Tell +'s and -'s from last poster!

+ Known Him For 1.5 Years
+ Has a good server
+ Is funny a lot of the time

- Is a Stereotyping FAG
- Is a helpless nub who can't setup MySQL xD
- He hates all the people i know xD

14 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #39226 Re: Tell +'s and -'s from last poster!

- cant host a server without any of hes so called "people" starts banning without reason

- another of hes "people" starts cursing and be a fag without a reason i think i call this theory Irfatishm

14 years, 29 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Tell +'s and -'s from last poster!