EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > Valor Online graphics pack [Updated 04, 17, 2010]
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Valor Online graphics pack [Updated 04, 17, 2010]
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Post #36006 Valor Online graphics pack [Updated 04, 17, 2010]

It's been very fun making Valor Online, the artists have put a lot of time and effort into these tiles, walls, and monsters that we are about to give to you. The EOSERV community.

As of today Valor Online has changed and all of the current work we are submitting is no longer compatible with the new game engine. So we decided instead of throwing them away. Hey, why not let the community of EOSERV put them to use. The graphics pack available below contains custom tiles,walls, and even monsters.

I am sorry but I can not give out the character sprite or the items since we are still putting them to use along with the objects you see in the screenshots listed below.

All pixels are created by the Valor Online team. The pixel artists include Matt, and Simen. If you choose to use any of the provided art we would love to see some type of credit given towards their creators. This shows that you have some appreciation of the work they have created and gave away for the community to use.

Map Screenshots:

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Screenshot 5

Monster Screenshots:

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Download: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=16261307868033247801

We hope you all enjoy the graphics pack and wish to see more completely custom games in the future. Enjoy :)

As promised I have updated the graphics pack with the missing monsters. It now includes Reaper, Killer Tree, and Worm.

If at any time we need to scrap out objects or sprites as well. I will then again update this thread with them included. Enjoy the pack everyone. :)

"Everyone is a retard until they prove themselves otherwise."
14 years, 17 weeks ago
Post #36008 Re: Valor Online graphics pack [Updated]

Thank you :D (Y)!!

I cannot wait to download the reaper :D

14 years, 17 weeks ago
Post #36009 Re: Valor Online graphics pack [Updated]

That's pretty freaking awesome. The sprites and some of the tiles sort of look TFG-ish though, did that game inspire you?

Wish upon a star!
14 years, 17 weeks ago
Post #36010 Re: Valor Online graphics pack [Updated]
Plasmastar posted: (16th Apr 2010 11:15 pm)

That's pretty freaking awesome. The sprites and some of the tiles sort of look TFG-ish though, did that game inspire you?

I believe TFG is what got Simen started in pixeling. So I would guess TFG inspired Simen, as for Matt I don't entirely know. Maybe they will post a reply them self and fill you in a little more.
"Everyone is a retard until they prove themselves otherwise."
14 years, 17 weeks ago
Post #36011 Re: Valor Online graphics pack [Updated]

Yeh, theres some TFG style in some of it, I really like megas styles.

I'm sure some of ya's could find use for some of it though, I really liked them, but endless is really restricting when trying to make a different game in it, we're better off with our new idea.

"The Lord is a shoving leopard."
14 years, 17 weeks ago
Post #36012 Re: Valor Online graphics pack [Updated]

How do you figure this works with EO, when the max images count only goes upto like 10 and regular eo goes upto like 28 lol.

14 years, 17 weeks ago
Post #36013 Re: Valor Online graphics pack [Updated]

You may not have realised, but those screenshots were taken IN the EOMapper.. You replace shitty tiles with those and likewise with the walls and monsters..

14 years, 17 weeks ago
Post #36015 Re: Valor Online graphics pack [Updated]

That's some nice artwork their! I love it how you guys have added edges to maps,it's so sexc =] The water looks like its pouring off, thats so cool xD

14 years, 17 weeks ago
Post #36042 Re: Valor Online graphics pack [Updated 04, 17, 2010]

Graphics pack has been updated. It now contains the missing monsters as promised.

"Everyone is a retard until they prove themselves otherwise."
14 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #36047 Re: Valor Online graphics pack [Updated 04, 17, 2010]

Whats the Valor Online site?

14 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #36057 Re: Valor Online graphics pack [Updated 04, 17, 2010]
Tazerenix posted: (18th Apr 2010 06:16 am)

Whats the Valor Online site?

I don't believe we are actually able to post links to our game sites due to advertising rules. Anyway Valor Online is no longer the games name. It's now called GearFall and if you want the link all I can say is check my profile for the forums. Not sure if that's considered advertising but you can find it there. Although since we have made a lot of changes to how the games going to work and look. We have also re created the forums along with working on a new site. So there is currently not much activity right now. Since the engines being re created from the ground up it might be a few months before it even has something to show concerning the project.
"Everyone is a retard until they prove themselves otherwise."
14 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #36066 Re: Valor Online graphics pack [Updated 04, 17, 2010]

Ahh what software are you using to create the client?

14 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #36070 Re: Valor Online graphics pack [Updated 04, 17, 2010]
hotdog posted: (19th Apr 2010 02:12 am)

Ahh what software are you using to create the client?

It's being created in C# and XML and it might have some C++ added to it later. The reason we chose C# is so that the engine can be created faster.
"Everyone is a retard until they prove themselves otherwise."
14 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #36071 Re: Valor Online graphics pack [Updated 04, 17, 2010]

Ah c# is great, I love the visual c# IDE =]

14 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #36072 Re: Valor Online graphics pack [Updated 04, 17, 2010]

GearFall should be really neat, we have alot of good ideas and the design document is comming along well. I would rather not talk alot about it here though considering it is completely irelevent to Eoserv and everything else here. I guess come and signup for the forums and we can continue there if you have more questions and would like to watch the project take shape. :)

"The Lord is a shoving leopard."
14 years, 16 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > Valor Online graphics pack [Updated 04, 17, 2010]