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Kalandra [UPDATED]
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Post #35605 Re: Kalandra [UPDATED]

I've started working on spells system. Got skills readed from file/saved to file. Now only leveling and casting.

EDIT: Bard spells working :)

EDIT2: Jukeboxes PROBABLY working

14 years, 43 weeks ago
Post #35618 Re: Kalandra [UPDATED]


Edit: cant i say this?

opensource isometric game engine ~ www.avac-engine.blogspot.com
14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #35636 Re: Kalandra [UPDATED]

Sweet i read the c# wiki and relized if done some things with that previously

Andrewbob - I would be on the fucking copter of rofls

Programmer, Web Developer, and Graphics Designer
14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #35651 Re: Kalandra [UPDATED]

Thanks Sordie for this but i have one question

how do we make quests?

besides from that everybody take a good look at source then post XP


14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #35680 Re: Kalandra [UPDATED]

I got lots of pets done...... and i made items like unhide pot (Sordie alredy created a hide pot), a locker item (opens your locker when clicked on), i found out how to create an item that can do any command, like warp........ :D

14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #35733 Re: Kalandra [UPDATED]

hey sordie i made 50 classes and saved them as .cfg but only 1,2 and 43 showed up

# Duke.cfg
# Duke class

UID  43

# Expressions to perform when stats are calculated
STAT_EVAL maxhp+=10+(con*3)
STAT_EVAL maxtp+=5
STAT_EVAL maxsp+=10+(level*2)
STAT_EVAL damage=str/5
STAT_EVAL accuracy+=agi/5
STAT_EVAL evade+=agi/3
STAT_EVAL maxweight+=55+level+str

thats what i had for all of them

14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #35738 Re: Kalandra [UPDATED]

UID you have to change to 42.41,40,39,38 etc.

ow yea btw

i think you just should look at it yourself

becuase sordie gave the source

and you have to find it out by yourself

i think

opensource isometric game engine ~ www.avac-engine.blogspot.com
14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #35739 Re: Kalandra [UPDATED]

This keeps getting beta and beta

14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #35809 Re: Kalandra [UPDATED]

Sordie may i ask how do we add npc's to the map. I tried a couple things but couldnt get them to load onto the map. Or was this not added in yet? And if it was programed in how would we go about spawning npc's onto the maps. Any help would be grateful.

14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #35814 Re: Kalandra [UPDATED]

Sordie, can I know what's missing in this release (what was lost)?

14 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #35957 Re: Kalandra [UPDATED]

It would be nice if somebody could post a guide to how to code starting from begginners tutorials to advanced you know? Instead of telling people to not do it, show them how. Some people like to do this sort of thing while the others dont want to help them. Me, I'm DEFINATELY not pro at coding, but i do know at least 50% of the coding language that goes on. Maybe someone will find or make a guide to how to code...


Also, nice work, but i hate how you always keep dropping your projects! Gah, gets annoying. And when you DO do a project, make sure you make it as user friendly as possible. And make some tutorials for it. Sorry for being a little off topic (: i got not much intention for use of kalandra, but i have wanted to see how it went.

14 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #36053 Re: Kalandra [UPDATED]

@ ledgendary dreams The reason you cant spawn npc's is becouse you dont have any in your npc file or your useing the wrong command.

@sordie That is nice, i've already figured out how most things work. items, mobs, idk how to make npc couse theres no base lol idk how to setup but ill look through the source file and figure it out, keep it up.

14 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #36059 Re: Kalandra [UPDATED]

What is the name of password hashing algoritm?

14 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #36075 Re: Kalandra [UPDATED]
kenobi13 posted: (18th Apr 2010 07:27 pm)

What is the name of password hashing algoritm?

There isn't one. I just made it up.. Errr.. how about "Poopyhash". Yeah. That'll do. It's called Poopyhash from now on. =D

It's actually a bit flagged progressive cipher that's muti-passed with a string key and encoded to base 62. If you're that interested it's located in Utils.pas and is pretty crappy =D

function StrToStrHash(Str, Key: String): String;
  i: Integer;
  Result := '';

  for i := 1 to length(Key) do
    Result := Result + IntToBaseX(StrToHash(Str, i * ord(Key[i])), 62);

function StrToHash(Str: String; Method: Cardinal): Cardinal;
  Pow: array[0..7] of Integer = (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128);
  i, j, ByteVal: Integer;
  TestBit:       Boolean;
  Result := 0;

  for i := 1 to length(Str) do
    ByteVal := ord(Str[i]);

    for j := 7 downto 0 do
      TestBit := ((Result and 32768) = 32768) xor ((ByteVal and Pow[j]) = Pow[j]);
      Result := ((Result and 32767) * 2);
      if TestBit then Result := Result xor Method;
    end;{for j}
  end;{for i}

14 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #36111 Re: Kalandra [UPDATED]

Since there isnt much support for kalandra on eoserv.net ive made a forum @ http://kalandra-support.com

14 years, 41 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > Kalandra [UPDATED]