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Seose 24/7
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Post #34778 Seose 24/7

Hello There I Need Some Help How To Make Seose 24/7 Online Please :D


I Post In Eoserv But I Cant Compile It :D
15 years, 1 week ago
Post #34781 Re: Seose 24/7

Well im afraid there isn't many other options you can do other than leave your computer on. Unless your willing to fork out atleast $30 a month for a server. If your willing to do this, simply google vps(virtual private servers)...

15 years, 1 week ago
Post #34782 Re: Seose 24/7

Inject magical pixy dust straight into your internet's wires and/or modem. If you find that you can not get any magical pixy dust, you may also find that you cannot run a computer program 24/7 without leaving the machine on.

Wish upon a star!
15 years, 1 week ago
Post #34914 Re: Seose 24/7

You're going to have to leave your comp 24/7 on To have this program running. Google Firedaemon. its $30 for forever and you get a free 30 day trial i think your server wont last that long so it should work fine :D.

15 years, 5 days ago
Post #35096 Re: Seose 24/7
Plasmastar posted: (23rd Mar 2010 04:00 am)

Inject magical pixy dust straight into your internet's wires and/or modem. If you find that you can not get any magical pixy dust, you may also find that you cannot run a computer program 24/7 without leaving the machine on.

Ha, i found some magical pixy dust!!! It still doesn't help me tho..
If you have a labtop, just close it.heres the steps = L to < to _! There your labtop is closed, and it shouldn't take the battery down, but your server is online! WA-LA!!
Create your own destiny, don't let someone else do it for you.
15 years, 23 hours ago
Post #106954 Re: Seose 24/7
Battleofeo posted: (30th Mar 2010, 09:23 pm)

Plasmastar posted: (23rd Mar 2010 04:00 am)

Inject magical pixy dust straight into your internet's wires and/or modem. If you find that you can not get any magical pixy dust, you may also find that you cannot run a computer program 24/7 without leaving the machine on.

Ha, i found some magical pixy dust!!! It still doesn't help me tho..
If you have a labtop, just close it.heres the steps = L to < to _! There your labtop is closed, and it shouldn't take the battery down, but your server is online! WA-LA!!
but some people wanna know this stuff u dnt have to give me -1 for tht

13 years, 26 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > Seose 24/7