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Seose Online List Release (updated)
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Post #32181 Seose Online List Release (updated)

(updated, no database needed, just a webserver or host that supports php.)

I took EOserv WebCP and modified it a little bit to produce a generic online players list, seeing as people requested it and I happened to need one too.


  • Download SeoseOnlinePlayers.rar and extract it to the location you have your website, or upload it to the directory you want if you use a webhost.
  • Open config.php and enter your server name / website, where it says "$sitename = 'Sample';".
  • Change the server details for $serverhost and $serverport if you need to.
  • Then change sample.php to whatever you want your page to be called e.g. players.php


Here's a sample preview I prepared of what the page will look like, if you decide to use it:

and my more modified version here:


I hardly know anything about php, so this just goes to show how easy it is to create from the recources we're provided from eoserv.net.

If you want to modify the template its in ./tpl/template/compiled/online.php and you can also change/recolor the images. 

It's really nothing of a 'major breakthrough'. Moreover a lazy mans 'quick bodged job', so don't expect miracles from this release.


Fixed scrolling, set 'overflow-y:auto' so the scrollbar doesn't appear unless needed.

If there are any important additions to this template that are needed, then ask. But the template should stay as basic as possible, allowing people to create their own template easily.

Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
15 years, 7 weeks ago
Post #32182 Re: Seose Online List Release (little hacky)

Very good job Klutz, Finally good release :)

Thats pretty awesome.

I would give 1+ for this :)

It took some time to figure that out?

Eoserv classes: Forum ghost, test player, ex-server owner, TOP 50, mapper & an
15 years, 7 weeks ago
Post #32224 Re: Seose Online List Release (little hacky)
sephiroth posted: (7th Feb 2010 09:56 pm)

Very good job Klutz, Finally good release :)

Thats pretty awesome.

I would give 1+ for this :)

It took some time to figure that out?

Lolno, I found it out accidentally when preparing EOserv WebCP for my site template. Just suddenly noticed people in the online list while I was running seose.
Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
15 years, 7 weeks ago
Post #32228 Re: Seose Online List Release (little hacky)

Honestly, the database part of this is quite pointless. The PHP code to get online status and the online playerlist is in the common file. If you want, you could rip it out and use it without the rest of the WebCP.

15 years, 7 weeks ago
Post #32229 Re: Seose Online List Release (little hacky)

Yeah I know scott, I tried to rip em out and got some php errors for not having the passwords etc.

Like I said, i don't know much about php so I don't know how to remove those properly, help me out and I'll modify it accordingly.

Edit: nvm, done.

Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
15 years, 7 weeks ago
Post #32231 Re: Seose Online List Release (updated)

I have done everything as you have stated but keeps giving me a msg saying I am not authorized to view this page.

15 years, 7 weeks ago
Post #32233 Re: Seose Online List Release (updated)

Which page are you trying to view? the only one you should open in the browser is sample.php which you will rename.

Edit config.php manually.

Are you hosting the webserver yourself? Is it on a webhost? If your hosting it yourself, check your other webpages to see if they work and report back. If you just installed a webserver, have you configured your firewall to allow it? your firewall should have port 80 open. Your webservershouldalso have PHP.

I suggest using Apache, and installing PHP. Apache defaults your webpages to htdocs, located in the apache folder in your program files.

Another note: It could also be something to do with your php settings in php.ini

Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
15 years, 7 weeks ago
Post #32237 Re: Seose Online List Release (updated)

for the most part I got it up and working now I get this:

Warning: file_put_contents(online.cache) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission deniedin C:\Inetpub\vhosts\tsukinoryoko.com\httpdocs\test\players\common.php on line 102

edit: not quite sure what I did but I fixed it

15 years, 7 weeks ago
Post #32238 Re: Seose Online List Release (updated)
Casoni posted: (8th Feb 2010 03:13 pm)

for the most part I got it up and working now I get this:

Warning: file_put_contents(online.cache) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission deniedin C:\Inetpub\vhosts\tsukinoryoko.com\httpdocs\test\players\common.php on line 102

Yuck. Windows server. =P You need to set the permissions so it can write to the file.
15 years, 7 weeks ago
Post #32239 Re: Seose Online List Release (updated)

An alternative solution which is simple, is to use quickphp by Zach Shaw:

Note: quickphp is a web developers tool, and by all means should'nt be used to host a heavy traffic webserver. It should be fine for the online players list though.

Point it to port 80, set the execution time to 0 (infinite), and then just direct the program to your seoseonlineplayers folder, and rename sample.php, > index.php

Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
15 years, 7 weeks ago
Post #91403 Re: Seose Online List Release (updated)

Update the topplayer link please???

13 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #115833 Re: Seose Online List Release (updated)

I need Download link also, if any1 else have can u upload it ?

13 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #116026 Re: Seose Online List Release (updated)

Old topic.....

Quickly threw together another one, not the same but it shows a simple online list for eoserv or seose. A whole bunch of peeps around here could probably make a better one, if they wanted to.

download eosonline.rar

Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
13 years, 19 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > Seose Online List Release (updated)