Joined: 17th Mar 2009
Posts: 416
Re: MOODY UPDATE:Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!
Grats sordie on the new website :D
I forgot what I was going to write...
15 years, 42 weeks ago
Re: MOODY UPDATE:Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!
thanks sordie ur the best =)
15 years, 42 weeks ago
Joined: 14th Apr 2009
Posts: 28
Re: MOODY UPDATE:Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!
Sordie posted: (1st May 2009 04:45 pm)
Thanks to the 100s of queries I get from people with no concept of time zones, all future versions of Seose will be closed source to everyone but the people I feel are actually respectful enough to not constantly abuse my personal MSN address with questions that should be asked in thisforum.
Understand that Seose is one of many hobby projects I'm working on in my spare time. I'm not working for you guys and I don't owe you anything.
In future please direct all questions to this forum. That's what it is here for. I'll answer the most common ones right here, right now to save some people the time:
1) No I don't have an estimated date for the next release.
2) I'm not looking for any help with this project. I'm writing Seose as a hobby and I don't see the point of getting other people to do your hobbies for you.
3) Thanks for the suggestions for ideas but there is still alot of basic code that I'm working on before I even think about adding new features.
4) I'm quite aware of the all of the bugs. This is version 0.1 it's kinda to be expected. If I haven't fixed them it's because I'm working on something more important. Not because I don't know they are there.
5) I do have a server but It's my test server and not open to the general public... And no, I'm not intrested in someone else running an official Soese server.
Hope that clears a few things up.
I'm in a bit of a mood so I'll give you somthing to cheer you all up. From now on I'll be making a binary "pre-release" version availaible. I will try to update this at the end of each day and it should include most of the features seen on my twitter. HOWEVER! Because this is a "pre-release" I will not support it.
Download it here!
EDIT: Oh and extract the pre-release versions to their own folders. They will incude things not compatible with older versions.
XD i wonder how many people bug you if you had a online server :P
15 years, 42 weeks ago
Joined: 3rd Apr 2009
Posts: 2044
Getting my marbles back. Back to the real versions.
=S I had a feeling the "pre-release" packages wouldn't work. I'm still getting lots of stupid questions and bug reports and all I seem to be doing is adding to the pre-version and not updating the release. It's kinda getting hard to version track so I'm moving
backtojustreleases.I'llupdatethesemore than I did befroe but not as much as the pre's..
Please don't MSN me unless you have to. Messages like "HI, HOW R U? NICE WORK ON TEH SERVER" may seem polite but I constantly get this at all hours of the day. You'll get more versions if you stop bugging me with "Small Talk" =P
..and if you have a question first search these forums for an answer. If you can't find it then post a properly titled, detailed question here and I'll get back to you when I have the time.
Thanks and Enjoy. Seose v0.1 (release 9)
EDIT: sordie.co.uk will be down for a while. Until then you can use the mirror at sordie.co.cc back online
15 years, 42 weeks ago
Joined: 1st May 2009
Posts: 49
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Great work, just realized the source was passworded.
15 years, 42 weeks ago
Joined: 17th Mar 2009
Posts: 416
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Version 9 is epic sordie!
I forgot what I was going to write...
15 years, 42 weeks ago
Joined: 15th Apr 2009
Posts: 124
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Just had a question Sordie. Your binary's are set up much differently than EOSERV's, there's no need to download a database to run it, but I'm aware that you used Pascal to write all your scripts. Is it possible to do what you did, but with C++ instead? Because I was thinking about trying to
develope an emulator, or convert EOSERV's source so it didn't need a database. Is there anyway to use your format with C++?
15 years, 42 weeks ago
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Posts: 2044
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Loghanx posted: (6th May 2009 10:23 am)
Just had a question Sordie. Your binary's are set up much differently than EOSERV's, there's no need to download a database to run it, but I'm aware that you used Pascal to write all your scripts. Is it possible to do what you did, but with C++ instead? Because I was thinking about
tryingtodevelope an emulator, or convert EOSERV's source so it didn't need a database. Is there anyway to use your format with C++?
Yep it wouldn't be that hard to make EOSERV use .ini files rather than rely on an external database server. Infact, because of the way EOSERV has a quite modular "plugable" db system (for switching beteween MySQL, SQLite) you could probably just write .ini database class and drop it it.
15 years, 42 weeks ago
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
I cant kill NPC's please help me!!!!
15 years, 41 weeks ago
Joined: 3rd Apr 2009
Posts: 2044
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
eo-brasil-server posted: (6th May 2009 06:18 pm)
I cant kill NPC's please help me!!!!
15 years, 41 weeks ago
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
I have a question. Would it be able to make a "login" page, that takes the user infos from the <accountname>.ini in the account folder? If yes could someone tell me how that works?
I wanna make a site where the users can change their Haircolor/style, home, class by themself.
I learned HTML, PHP and some Javascript. SO coding the "get information" code wont be a problem...
15 years, 41 weeks ago
Joined: 15th Apr 2009
Posts: 124
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Hello Sordie! Just checking in and congradulating you on your achievements so far. That new code looks like it's going to be amazing, and r(10) is really making me anxious. Question though. Are you releasing r(10) and then 2.0 right after? Or are you waiting a while? Thanks for everything so
far. :]
15 years, 41 weeks ago
Joined: 3rd Apr 2009
Posts: 2044
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Loghanx posted: (10th May 2009 07:02 pm)
Hello Sordie! Just checking in and congradulating you on your achievements so far. That new code looks like it's going to be amazing, and r(10) is really making me anxious. Question though. Are you releasing r(10) and then 2.0 right after? Or are you waiting a while? Thanks for everything sofar.
The plan was to get to finish r10 then move to v0.2 and release as soon as I had something "sable". The truth is. I've been working on 0.2r1 and just ignoring r10 all together =P I need so spend some time getting r10 out but I'm kinda more intrested in the 0.2 code now. =D
What would you guys prefer? Me work on getting r10 out then a short wait for 0.2 or just spend the time on 0.2 and get it out as soon as possible?
15 years, 41 weeks ago
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
It would be cool when 0.2 is out so do 0.2 then release :=) this is what i think.
BTW: Are you going to release the source code with 0.2? or will it be closed source?
15 years, 41 weeks ago
Joined: 4th Apr 2009
Posts: 170
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Sordie posted: (12th May 2009 04:49 pm)
Loghanx posted: (10th May 2009 07:02 pm)
Hello Sordie! Just checking in and congradulating you on your achievements so far. That new code looks like it's going to be amazing, and r(10) is really making me anxious. Question though. Are you releasing r(10) and then 2.0 right after? Or are you waiting a while? Thanks for
The plan was to get to finish r10 then move to v0.2 and release as soon as I had something "sable". The truth is. I've been working on 0.2r1 and just ignoring r10 all together =P I need so spend some time getting r10 out but I'm kinda more intrested in the 0.2 code now. =D
What would you guys prefer? Me work on getting r10 out then a short wait for 0.2 or just spend the time on 0.2 and get it out as soon as possible?
id say get r 10 out the get 0.2 out, but do what ever u want :p or do what ever u think will be faster and better.
15 years, 41 weeks ago
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