EOSERV Forum > Seose > UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
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UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
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Post #6466 Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Soulstealer posted: (23rd May 2009 08:34 am)

I dont really care about pk or anything like that im just keen to see to new 0.2 server and see how everything u have done so far looks.

It doesn't really "look" like anything =P Although I have a GUI for 0.2 its really just a wrapper (separate application) that runs the main server core and sends/receives messages to/from it. Keeping the main server executable "blank" allows me to easily compile it for different operating systems (currently Win32, WinCE and Linux) as the new 0.2 server doesn't depend on any other libraries but my own.

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #6469 Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.

Edit: Nevermind i just figured it out

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #6517 Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.

Hey sordie what is the limit of the Global channels? I already reached is not working. I get in a negative (-) number channel xD

I found it out.
There is a total of

2.147.483.647 Channels.

at 2.147.483.648 it begins to go over into the negativ (-) numbers

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #6551 Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
KingLongg posted: (23rd May 2009 05:28 pm)

Hey sordie what is the limit of the Global channels? I already reached is not working. I get in a negative (-) number channel xD

I found it out.
There is a total of

2.147.483.647 Channels.

at 2.147.483.648 it begins to go over into the negativ (-) numbers

Globalbot is very young and can't count yet =D. If it starts messing up you can enable/disable bots by PMing "!" to them from a HGM account. eg. !globalbot !

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #6554 Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.

Im sorry but this is prob gonna sound like a really stupid question but what is the globalbot all about? I understand the other two but i just dont know what its all about?

Edit: I think i kinda figured out what globalbot is but could u explain just in case i have it wrong please

And also i dont know if u know this but when u kill alot of monsters and leave the drops you can only pick up one or two of em then you cant pick up the rest, just letting you know in case you dont know already

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #6569 Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.

another small problem warp doesnt work anymore

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #6595 Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.

If you're getting disconnected after picking items up, she knows. (I think it's her anti-hax)

This isn't really supported and warp's worked fine when I was testing with her.

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #6641 Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.

This topic is no longer required. Please use the Seose board now. Thanks.

15 years, 41 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.