Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Well if you release r10 out and then work on gettin 0.2 finished that would be less annoying questions to deal with IMO....Because the longer you wait for a new release, the more chances you'll here the annoying questions that ppl ask...(some times i would ask it to lol) Like....
When the next server comming out?, whats gonna be on it? Lol and then you wouldnt hear ppl complaining that they cant kill your monsters. Do what you want but if you actually wanted to know. I'd say release r10 and then that would keep ppl busy intil you get 0.2 out.
15 years, 43 weeks ago

Joined: 22nd Mar 2009
Posts: 195
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Help me where can I download the source?
15 years, 43 weeks ago
Joined: 4th Apr 2009
Posts: 170
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Razor posted: (13th May 2009 08:37 am)
Help me where can I download the source?
you can't she locked it.
15 years, 43 weeks ago

Joined: 22nd Mar 2009
Posts: 195
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
but how about the others that uses her server emulator?
15 years, 43 weeks ago

Joined: 15th Apr 2009
Posts: 124
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Okay back again! I just saw that you posted that server question. Before I answer that, I just have to ask a question. Is v.0.2(r1) Going to be up-to-date, and have even more things than 0.1(r9) and 0.1(r10)? If so then don't bother with (r10) because it's too much trouble to make
somethingthat's less proficient if you're already working on something greater. Don't bring you're "better" project to a hault to make something less inferior. Go for the longshot! It will be much more worth it in the end, and I'm sure everyone is very anxious to use the new code. It just makes
more sense,and I believe people can wait a little extra time, as they say. Patients is a virtue. ;]
Thanks for reading Sordie! I'll be checking out your webby to see what happens. :]
EDIT:: "Updated the code to allow dynamic NPC creation. Upto 250-Static NPC's per map. This can be used for summoners/pets/events."
Does that mean you're going to make a pets addition Sordie? You sneeky girl. ^-^
Keep up the good work! :]
15 years, 43 weeks ago
Joined: 4th Apr 2009
Posts: 170
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
i dont understand your newest post on twitter "Added a TServerBot class and management routines for them. Bots can now be
automated to "housekeep" the game"
15 years, 42 weeks ago
Joined: 7th Apr 2009
Posts: 130
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Sordie on your web it says ''Updated the code to allow dynamic NPC creation. Upto 250-Static NPC's per map. This can be used for summoners/pets/events. '' Means u can add pets? ALSO, What does this mean? ''Added a TServerBot class and management routines for them. Bots can now be automated to
"housekeep" the game'' You can spawn your own monsters?,If you could that would be amazing ,you should add tha to your new release,Whens YOur new Release going to be out? Thanks sordie ur emulator owns ass!
15 years, 41 weeks ago

Joined: 3rd Apr 2009
Posts: 2044
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Just to clarify.
The stuff about "TServerBot" is a bit of code inside the server that manages computer controlled characters, like normal NPCs, but "Bots" emulate a user rather than a monster or shop etc. This means they have unique names and can interact with users like a normal player. Party, trade, PM, etc.. I
can use TServerBot to create things like Dressbot, Arenabot.. I'll throw in a few bots in the first release =D
The dynamic NPC support thing allows GM's to spawn any standard NPC at their current location. without disturbing the regular NPC spawns. In the future the same code can be used to makes summoners and pets.
Anyway, to keep people happy I'm thinking of making a quick preview release of the new server. Nothing fancy. It will have a lot of stuff removed from the old Seose like arena, but at least you'll be able to run about your servers mindlessly killing stuff and collect gold drops you can't spend. =D
(woo I got to level 5 on my dev server! lol)
Anyone intrested?
15 years, 41 weeks ago
Joined: 4th Apr 2009
Posts: 170
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Sordie posted: (20th May 2009 08:42 pm)
Just to clarify.
The stuff about "TServerBot" is a bit of code inside the server that manages computer controlled characters, like normal NPCs, but "Bots" emulate a user rather than a monster or shop etc. This means they have unique names and can interact with users like a normal player. Party, trade,
PM,etc..Icanuse TServerBot to create Things like Dressbot, Arenabot.. I'll throw in a few bots in the first release =D
The dynamic NPC support thing allows GM's to spawn any standard NPC at their current location. without disturbing the regular NPC spawns. In the future the same code can be used to makes summoners and pets.
Anyway, to keep people happy I'm thinking of making a quick preview release of the new server. Nothing fancy. It will have a lot of stuff removed from the old Seose like arena, but at least you'll be able to run about your servers mindlessly killing stuff and collect gold drops you can't spend.
=D(woo I got to level 5 on my dev server! lol)
Anyone intrested?
I am very interested. and that whole bot thing sounds very cool. :D
15 years, 41 weeks ago
Joined: 7th Apr 2009
Posts: 130
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Omg sordie that would be fuckin amazing Sorry for my language im excited Can you please Add leveling system and pk? Thanks sordie u fuckin own
15 years, 41 weeks ago
Joined: 16th Mar 2009
Posts: 6
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Sordie posted: (20th May 2009 08:42 pm)
Just to clarify.
The stuff about "TServerBot" is a bit of code inside the server that manages computer controlled characters, like normal NPCs, but "Bots" emulate a user rather than a monster or shop etc. This means they have unique names and can interact with users like a normal player. Party, trade, PM, etc..Ican
use TServerBot to create things like Dressbot, Arenabot.. I'll throw in a few bots in the first release =D
The dynamic NPC support thing allows GM's to spawn any standard NPC at their current location. without disturbing the regular NPC spawns. In the future the same code can be used to makes summoners and pets.
Anyway, to keep people happy I'm thinking of making a quick preview release of the new server. Nothing fancy. It will have a lot of stuff removed from the old Seose like arena, but at least you'll be able to run about your servers mindlessly killing stuff and collect gold drops you can't
spend.=D(woo I got to level 5 on my dev server! lol)
Anyone intrested?
It'd keep people busy for sure, especially if you could control exp rates.
15 years, 41 weeks ago

Joined: 15th Apr 2009
Posts: 124
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Howdy again.
"I haven't released anything in a while. I should just tidy up the basics and release a preview of the 0.2 server core... watch this space." - Sordie
That's so cruel xD, It's been two days and I'm so anxious, I've been "watching the space" for almost two whole days. x]
15 years, 41 weeks ago

Joined: 3rd Apr 2009
Posts: 2044
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
I'd release now if I thought that people would only post helpful comments about it, but I'm sure I'd just get morons posting stuff like "PK don't work", "Monsters aren't strong enough", "Stats are wrong"... etc.. Most people here don't know the difference between a bug and an incomplete/unsupported
Maybe I should release a crippled version with a nag dialogue so only people interested in helpful debugging would use it and not just people that want to host their own server?
15 years, 41 weeks ago

Joined: 15th Apr 2009
Posts: 124
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
Sorry, I didn't mean for you to take it that way, I was just making a statement. And I wasn't having a great morning (xD), but anyways don't think I was rushing you. Or trying to atleast. I would help if I could, but at this point I can't. Sorry. :[
15 years, 41 weeks ago
Re: UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
I dont really care about pk or anything like that im just keen to see to new 0.2 server and see how everything u have done so far looks.
15 years, 41 weeks ago
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