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UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
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Post #4784 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Sordie, Im having a trouble logging into my server. I have been using if for a while, but i just got home and I can't.

15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4807 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Finaly i got Tubo Delphi working and yes it works with those files. I dont have any knowledges of Delphi. I gonna get a tutorial to learn it :) So what is the file for commands ?(like $stitle, $kick etc...) 

15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4810 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

What is this?

15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4812 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Yo i found my answer:) now i got a problem. All seems to be working but i needa file i think. 

The only error message i get:
Prototypes.pas(15,12) Fatal: Can't find unit IdTCPServer used by Prototypes

i have Indy10 and FPC + IDE

I gonna download Turbo Delphi and try it with it..

matiasmunk:this is another server emulator written in Delphi :P
15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4824 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Hey Sordie or someone who could help me rewrite it a bit so they dont need CodeGear :) 

(BTW: FPC + Indy10 doesn't work)

I changed all "exit(#);" to "Result := #; exit;"

# = what ever is between the ()

All fine and good but now i got other problems i cant fix...:


    b1 := Context.Connection.Socket.ReadByte;
    b2 := Context.Connection.Socket.ReadByte;

ReadByte is undefined

TIdIOHandlerSocket has no member called ReadByte

So how do i have to define ReadByte?
15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4828 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

It's not really much work to make Indy10 work with FPC. Also, you can use the exit(#); command with FPC if you turn on none ANSI Pascal extensions. I've been thinking about moving Seose to FPC for a while and will probably do that in the future. Dropping Indy andusing Synapse for network communication.

Oh, and I hope you mean you use "begin Result := #; exit; end;" otherwise it won't work correctly. =P

15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4833 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Hmm i dont know how to use the IDE of FPC (the included one) so i downloaded FPC with another IDE (Lazarus).

I got it now all changed to "then begin Result := #; exit; end;"

but still the same errors as above (just those two):


    b1 := Context.Connection.Socket.ReadByte;
    b2 := Context.Connection.Socket.ReadByte;

ReadByte is undefined

TIdIOHandlerSocket has no member called ReadByte

Maybe you can tell me how that can be fixed :) 

15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4840 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Your problem with Packets.pas is because your compiler isn't using Indy10. If you are going to use a different compiler to the one Seose was written for you should probably learn a little of how the compiler works and how to setup its search paths.

15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4879 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Would be usefull if there is a tut on how to turn on non ANSI pascal extensions...... maybe i find it out my self...... 

(Btw i used the Turbo Delphi for that above. I think it uses Indy10... (i could chose between Indy9 and Indy10, and im very sure i've chosen indy10)

With FPC + IDE i get another error:

Can't find unit IdTCPServer used by Prototypes
15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4923 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Lol this is gonna sound dumb, but idk mabe some one else wanted to no and this would save them from asking also. How do i get your updates? I re-downloaded the emulator on your website but i dont see any changes. I never saw any changes from before either. Like i dont see any banks, shops or anything. Also theres a prob. with the warping, like i warp to pk (map 245, X 103, Y 65) and i get a black screen and i no that those coordinates give me right in the middle of pk. So was that a prob. u didnt fix or was it in one of the updates that idk how to get to work for me?
15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4950 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!
Sacred Phenix posted: (29th Apr 2009 11:08 pm)

Lol this is gonna sound dumb, but idk mabe some one else wanted to no and this would save them from asking also. How do i get your updates? I re-downloaded the emulator on your website but i dont see any changes. I never saw any changes from before either. Like i dont see any banks,shopsoranything.Also theres a prob. with the warping, like i warp to pk (map 245, X 103, Y 65) and i get a black screen and i no that those coordinates give me right in the middle of pk. So was that a prob. u didnt fix or was it in one of the updates that idk how to get to work forme?

Anything you see on my twitter is the stuff I've added and will be in the next release. There is no way to get the source "as I go along". Sorry, you'll have to wait for v0.1r9

As for the warp command.. Sounds like you are getting the syntax wrong. It's: $warp X Y MAP The parameters may seem the wrong way around at first but there is a reason. =S Thw warp command in Seose can do alot of things depending on the parameters you give it. Look here for more details on how admin commands in Seose work.
15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #5040 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Nice sordie :D
can't wait for version 9

I forgot what I was going to write...
15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #5071 MOODY UPDATE: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Thanks to the 100s of queries I get from people with no concept of time zones, all future versions of Seose will be closed source to everyone but the people I feel are actually respectful enough to not constantly abuse my personal MSN address with questions that should be asked in thisforum.

Understand that Seose is one of many hobby projects I'm working on in my spare time. I'm not working for you guys and I don't owe you anything.

In future please direct all questions to this forum. That's what it is here for. I'll answer the most common ones right here, right now to save some people the time:

1) No I don't have an estimated date for the next release.

2) I'm not looking for any help with this project. I'm writing Seose as a hobby and I don't see the point of getting other people to do your hobbies for you.

3) Thanks for the suggestions for ideas but there is still alot of basic code that I'm working on before I even think about adding new features.

4) I'm quite aware of the all of the bugs. This is version 0.1 it's kinda to be expected. If I haven't fixed them it's because I'm working on something more important. Not because I don't know they are there.

5) I do have a server but It's my test server and not open to the general public... And no, I'm not intrested in someone else running an official Soese server.

Hope that clears a few things up.

I'm in a bit of a mood so I'll give you something to cheer you all up. From now on I'll be making a binary "pre-release" version available. I will try to update this at the end of each day and it should  include most of the features seen on my twitter.
HOWEVER! Because this is a "pre-release" I will not support it.

Download it here! Download Removed

EDIT: Oh and extract the pre-release versions to their own folders. They will include things not compatible with older versions.

15 years, 47 weeks ago
Post #5073 Re: MOODY UPDATE:Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Sordie will you help me out it keeps telling me server offline

and what is this seose?

please tell me

15 years, 47 weeks ago
Post #5078 Re: MOODY UPDATE:Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available

Hey I found out that the TIdIOHandlerSocket has no ReadByte..... I also downloaded the latest source of Indy10 and checked it there. And its not there either. Maybe RAD Studio v2009 uses any librarys?

BTW: isn't TIdIOHandlerSocket and IdIOHandlerSocket the same? if not, the file is missing.... also in the latest Indy10 source

15 years, 47 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.