EOSERV Forum > Seose > UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
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UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.
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Post #4488 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

OK seose.sordie.co.cc Maybe down for 48 hours while I make server changes. Soz guys. If you didn't download r8 yet you'll have to wait =S

EDIT: Back online

15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4522 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Nice job sordie on version 8, the effects are fun to play around with :D

I forgot what I was going to write...
15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4523 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

hey sordie i got the arena launch working, i dont know why but on my older computer it wouldnt launch, so i loaded it to my other computer and it does work... i have no clue on why it doesnt work on the other computer... but anyways i did get it to work tyvm it is awesome. bigups...
15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4529 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

when will be the relase 9?. 

And  i tell u some bugs D:! 

-$warp * dont work.
-The pots, dont add hp. them make you with less hp.
lvl up in pk & arena. 
No need two people to enter arena would be good.
 $nokill for admins.
$nokill [player]
Player kill (Pk).
$pk (Pk all ppl if you are admin)
$pk [player] to let him pk.
$pk [map]  (make the map pk area)
$unmute :I!
$npc [id] make your self the monster ( Idk if u can do this) just saying ideas.
$npc [id] someone 
maybe you dont want me to tell you ideas. ban me or delate my post .

i want to say this is just for helping.
I wish know what u know to help you... 
i love what you do.
I know you do what u can.
15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4531 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Itachi, $warp * works, it just doesnt warp most admins, and it only warps them if they are on the same map as you. As for your ideas, i like them.

15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4532 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

I like the way your emulator is set up, nice job :)

Btw Sordie, your avatar scares me...and I keep typo'ing your name as Sordia x.x

May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4536 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Thanks for all the positive comments. =D Some points.

HP pots don't work. But as there is currently nothing that can reduce your HP, they are low down on my "TODO" list.

The "warp *" command DOES have issues. =P I was doing something silly with pointer lists.

Less bug reports please! =S I have 100s of MSN message a day from people trying to help me. lol  I'm well aware of all the bugs in Seose and I fix them as I go along. Guess what people.. I do actually know what Seose is doing quite well. =D

I don't really mind people with "ideas" for Seose. But before you suggest them just try to remember, this is v0.1 and I have a 100s of basic things queued up that need doing before I even think of adding "features".

And last...
Syran! Whats wrong with my avatar? D= (and phoneticly my name is "Sore D`e" but as long as you don't put a "w" in it I'll let you off)

15 years, 49 weeks ago
Post #4593 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Hello, Sordie, can you tell us some commands, like these i found, $save and $msg if you can tell us more or if there isnt more tell us please thanks

15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4597 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!
itachi posted: (24th Apr 2009 01:12 pm)

Hello, Sordie, can you tell us some commands, like these i found, $save and $msg if you can tell us more or if there isnt more tell us please thanks

Have a look here. My entire seose website is pretty rushed/cobbled together though =S
15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4603 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

When will be the Relase 9 out :)!? 

15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4604 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!
itachi posted: (24th Apr 2009 05:40 pm)

When will be the Relase 9 out :)!? 

Ages. I have loads of other little projects and I'd still be working on r8 now if I wouldn't have rushed it out because people where bugging me for Arenas support.
15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4605 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

oh... Will you do another relase when u get pk ?

15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4606 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!
itachi posted: (24th Apr 2009 06:02 pm)

oh... Will you do another relase when u get pk ?

As I have PK kinda working now (and most of the work was done before r8), no. =S I have much more important things to work on. I'm more intrested in getting the important bits of the server done than rushing "playable elements" for people that want to create servers on early software releases.
15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4607 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

awww :(. oke.. thanks...--

15 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #4767 Re: Seose Version 0.1 (release 8) now available!

Yo what file do i have to edit to add or change commands? Maybe its a dumb question :P 

But i didnt found yet. 
15 years, 48 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > UPDATE: Seose v0.1 (release 9) - Back to sanity.