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How to set up your own seose server! + Editing + Hints Soon
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Post #30256 How to set up your own seose server! + Editing + Hints Soon


This guide is near enough noob proof... you cant go wrong unless there is a error if any errors are noticed please post, Also this guide will be updated all the time for hints on seose, editing and guides, thanks here goes

first go to http://sordie.co.uk go into seose on the website

download the latest Seose program [At the moment its version Seose v2.7b ] to your desktop ( Easiest but you do not have to )

Once downloaded Extract the files to a folder,

Read the Seose.txt file.

Go into the seose folder and go into seose.xini

you should see almost at the top this

  TermsAgreed = false

Change the terms agreed to true

  TermsAgreed = true

once done that

you will need pub files, map files,

if you do not have these you will have to you endless online ones WITCH IS COPY RIGHT so you will have to make your own ones but for now we will use the endless online ones just to get you started

go to your endless online go into the pub folder ( On your endless online folder )

Copy the





Paste them into your data folder in your seose folder with Achievenments, Arena, Class, NPC.

After that make a folder in you Seose folder called Maps ( In your SEOSE FOLDER )

then go into your endless online folder and go into maps

you may not have them all but just for now copy them all in your seose folder

Anyway after you made your own you will no longer need them

besides your not suppost to have them anyway

( Because its copyright )

Now start it up in Seose.exe in your seose folder

There will be a error but that is because you have not portforwarded yet

it will say something like this

SLN: 401 No server Could Not Connect To Server : Connection Timed Out

if you want you can still connect but no one else can

change you ip in you econfig in your endless online folder to

you will need to portforward for this to be fixed


if you want to portforward

Goto www.portforward.com and there is a guide on portforwarding

you will need to find the model of you router and then go onto it on portforward.com

and it will give you a simple guide

after that you will need a ip

you could leave it at your own like for exsample or you can have something like this




and ect

if you want this go to


then make a account

then go to your ip managment and make a ip

while making all you do is type in a name choose the ending ( Yes the drop down box)

and leave the rest the same

Then go to the bottom and press ok or what ever it is ( made this guide of the top of my head lol )

and then wait a few minuites for it to update

while your waiting goto your seose folder

go into seose.xini

scroll down and u will find something like this

    Name = "Untitled Seose Server"    /* The name of your server */
    URL  = "http://sordie.co.uk"        /* The website for your server */
    Host = ""                         /* The domain name of your server (leave blank if none) */
    Port = 0                          /* The external port of your server (0=auto) */

    RegistrationDisabled = false /* Disables account registration */

you will want to change this to something like this

    Name = "Gadget's Eo"    /* The name of your server */
    URL  = "www.exsamplesite.com"        /* The website for your server */
    Host = "exsampleip.no-ip.org"                         /* The domain name of your server (leave blank if none) */
    Port = 0                          /* The external port of your server (0=auto) */

    RegistrationDisabled = false /* Disables account registration */

leave everything else

as you see if you dont have a website you dont have to put anything there

and put the name to what ever you want it to be

and change the host to what ever you made on the no-ip.com site

after that you are pretty much finished on your server only a few more steps till its great but before editing all the pubs you will want to test you server and make sure people can connect ( anyone on your network will connect if its on )

i will be typing more of this guide on how to edit / guides / hints but for now thats all im doing for tonight thanks

//-- EDITING --\\

Will Be Adding Keep Checking For Updates

// -- HINTS -- \\

Will Be Adding Keep Checking For Updates

//-- Thanking --\\

Thanks for reading my tutorial and guides i hope it helped you if you need anyhelp add my msn


By Gadgetseo


Gadgetseo - Creating Guide

Sordie - Creating Seose

Scott - Testing

Sausage - Editing Programs

Rena - Editing Programs

Arvid - Mapping Work / Gfx

Vult-R - Pub Edit Files

//-- END THANKS Y'ALL --\\

15 years, 8 weeks ago
Post #30275 Re: How to set up your own seose server! + Editing + Hints Soon

It's a good guide. Before they agree to the terms they should look at the terms first.

15 years, 8 weeks ago
Post #30436 How to set up your own seose server! + Editing + Hints Soon

yeah they SHOULD but how many of them are REALLY going to do that. haha something i just now thought of is why not put a set up guide IN the seose dl so when they dl it you can just say READ THE SET UP IN THE SEOSE FOLDER YOU MADE. i know i'm still a noob at this myself but something like thatwould be really helpful..........when i copied and pasted a seose set up guild in mine so i can always read it again.

15 years, 8 weeks ago
Post #30747 Re: How to set up your own seose server! + Editing + Hints Soon

wow, seems pretty straight forward, ill try this. thanx btw.
ill reply again if anything goes wrong=]

15 years, 8 weeks ago
Post #31273 Re: How to set up your own seose server! + Editing + Hints Soon

go to your endless online go into the

Copy the





Paste them into your data folder in your seose


Where do i find the pub folder ( On your endless online folder )

15 years, 7 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > How to set up your own seose server! + Editing + Hints Soon