EOSERV Forum > Announcements > EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)
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EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)
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Post #20600 EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)

It's been a while since I've posted anything, but I think you'll like this.

EOMap2 can currently only edit floor tiles, though I will update this as soon as it can edit other layers, this is just a preview release to see if there's any major problems.

EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (alpha 7) (279KB)

Instructions: Place it in a directory with a copy of the EO graphics in a sub-directory called gfx.

Requirements: Windows XP or higher, reasonably fast OpenGL compatable graphics card.

Please post about any problems you have (eg. no graphics, invalid map files, crashes) along with your specs (OS and graphics card mainly).

Todo list: (removed to save space, it's about 40 lines now)



  • Tile "spec" editing
  • Warp editing
  • Reset out of bounds windows
  • Resizable palette window
  • Scroll wheel + middle click drag
  • Fixed animated walls
  • Hovered tile coordinates shown


  • Editing all graphical layers
  • Save as
14 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #20603 Re: EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)

Omg just what ive been waiting for nice!!

very epic. xD :D first comment becouse i have no life :{

nice screen pic XD this is some of the best work ive ever seen on a map editor >:D

14 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #20604 Re: EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)


Works great. Only complaint I have is the palette window doesn't seem to redraw on focus...though it gets to the job when you click on a tile.

Wish upon a star!
14 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #20606 Re: EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)

cant open it a new tab will appear saying cannot find cursor.bmp but theres a cursor.bmp my loptop is goin crazy

14 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #20608 Re: EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)
joseph88 posted: (29th Sep 2009 12:01 pm)

cant open it a new tab will appear saying cannot find cursor.bmp but theres a cursor.bmp my loptop is goin crazy

Did you extract all files?
Wish upon a star!
14 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #20609 Re: EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)

yea i extract all and i download it 3 times none of these work..

14 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #20610 Re: EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)
joseph88 posted: (29th Sep 2009 12:07 pm)

yea i extract all and i download it 3 times none of these work..

You have all the files in the EndlessOnline folder, correct?
Wish upon a star!
14 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #20611 Re: EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)

yea i extracted it in Endless Online Folder

14 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #20612 Re: EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)

Nice work sausage.

Too bad my fucking graphics card sucks... e.e

I'm guessing that's why all the tiles seem to be sliced in half, and it's not letting me edit them?

Hail Satan!
14 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #20615 Re: EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)

This looks like a great release man! Keep up the good work! I haven't really tried it yet since it randomly crashes.

14 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #20621 Re: EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)
Omen posted: (29th Sep 2009 12:11 pm)

Nice work sausage.

Too bad my fucking graphics card sucks... e.e

I'm guessing that's why all the tiles seem to be sliced in half, and it's not letting me edit them?

Make sure your color depth is set to 32-bit, I checked and just saw that now. (editing works fine though, no reason that shouldn't work)
14 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #20623 Re: EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)

Yep, working perfectly now. Thanks man.


Hail Satan!
14 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #20624 Re: EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)

Im having the same problems as Joseph88. file not found cursor.bmp ive followed your instructions and placed it in the folder with the gfx files but im still getting the same message.

14 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #20625 Re: EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)
Soulstealer posted: (29th Sep 2009 01:32 pm)

Im having the same problems as Joseph88. file not found cursor.bmp ive followed your instructions and placed it in the folder with the gfx files but im still getting the same message.

You don't move it, you leave it where it was, the same directory as the exe file.
14 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #20626 Re: EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)

Sorry sausage i didnt explain myself enough. I extracted all the files to the gfx folder but im still getting the same message.

14 years, 45 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Announcements > EO Map Editor 0.2.0 (preview release)