EOSERV Forum > Client Editing > Determining layers and animation types
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Determining layers and animation types
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Post #16067 Determining layers and animation types

Has anyone determined how to manipulate the layer the hat item sits on, some go under hair (medic cap), some over hair (samurai hat), and some consume the hair completely (cook hat). This may be a secondary color other than black that is also transparent, just wondering what the value is. Also, how are weapons attack animation determined from striking to shooting. I haven't found a theory that is consistant with that. Any ideas, or are we looking at hard coding in the client? 

14 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #16083 Re: Determining layers and animation types

The layers of the hats are determines by colour values.

One time I got really annoyed by the fact that hats always make the wings glitched, so I opened a hat in psp, used the filler tool to change the black to white, and back again. Opened the modded client, and the hat wasn't glitching the wings anymore. I repeated this for every hat, and it took about 2 hours and was frustrating.

I'm pretty sure all the layers are determined by colour hex value (the client may read this). I never bothered to figure out which hex values they are though xD

And the other query, I have no clue how the client chooses the attack gfx, it may be determined in the rlcdata (hex). If you somehow find this out, please post results, or contact me over msn.


Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #16135 Re: Determining layers and animation types

Well All I can say is that Cascade fixed this problem and the wings with hat 2

14 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #16140 Re: Determining layers and animation types

ok obviously there is a color that is transparent, another for covering hair, but how do you get it under the hair in the case of the medic cap. I am going to work on solving the animation factor too, i will post any results that give consistant results.

Edit: Regular weapons use a 17 frame animation set, Instruments use a 19 frame animation set, bows and the gun use a 22 frame animation set. Still trying to determine what triggers the sound effect associated with the specific item. Please continue with any ideas as this will benefit everyone.

14 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #16542 Re: Determining layers and animation types

Hey I finally did some accurate research on the layers, although I don't quite understand the values, maybe someone else can?

Here's a few interesting colour values used  for different layers:

[Semi-transparent layer, black]


This is a colour I found on the black tiles on map 21, the admin meeting room.

[Invisible hat layer, bottom half]


[Invisible hat layer, top half]


These are the top and bottom half of the invisible (black) area of a hats graphics.

I'd like someone to help make sense from this, as I am confused.
I do actually believe that the alternate value on the bottom half, is what makes the top half cover up the wings etc (ontop-layer), I am confused a little.
Well, hope these values are useful.

Anyone else shed some light here?

Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
14 years, 38 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Client Editing > Determining layers and animation types