EOSERV Forum > Announcements > Copyright woes
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Copyright woes
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Post #12925 Copyright woes

Due to a particular EO artist who's name may or may not begin with A who is somehow deluded by hatred in to thinking he still owns his artwork, all material copyrighted by Endless Online is now banned from being posted on the forum or linked to, and will be removed from the dowloads of EOSERV andWebCP.

This includes:

  • Official EO Map files (especially modified originals)
  • Official EO Pub files (especially modified originals)
  • Images containing any EO artwork (including screenshots and signatures)

No EO servers (EOServ-Main and EOServ-Test) will be hosted here until completely custom pub and map files made (if that ever happens).

Advice for server hosters:

If you wish to keep running an EOSERV server legally delete ALL map and pub files from your server, right now, and follow these steps:

  • Re-create all pub files yourself, try not to exactly copy EO (taking inspiration from it is OK) - it is fine to use their graphics here since you're only storing a number (which the EO client happens to associate with copyrighted artwork). If you have a copy of the pub files open copyingtheitems line by line this would still be plagiaurism. If you complete a set of pub files, feel free to post them on this forum for others to use.
  • Create map files manually, taking inspiration from EO should be fine again, just don't copy them tile for tile (you may as well be copying them byte by byte in that case). This is a big job, but if you're not up for this then you can never legally host an EO server. Keep in mind you don'tneedto immediately re-create an entire world, start with a few maps and work your way up (once my map editor is finished this should be a lot easier)
  • Do not host Endless Online clients or graphic files on your website (especially modified ones). If you want to modify EO graphics distribute them in a patch form (aka. only containing changed information, not the original graphics)
  • To be extra safe, do not use any EO artwork at all on your website. This includes screenshots of the game.
15 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #12926 Re: Copyright woes

Oh wtf.. that's abit intense.. Wouldnt happen to be Arvid would it.

Endless-Online Version 18
Original Madmat
15 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #12948 Re: Copyright woes

So Asshole is going to try to sue us if we use any of EOs files? /dickmove

May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
15 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #12949 Re: Copyright woes
Syran posted: (12th Jul 2009 03:51 pm)

So Asshole is going to try to sue us if we use any of EOs files? /dickmove

Wouldn't Vult-r have to be the one to sue everyone? I can't really imagine that happening.
15 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #12951 Re: Copyright woes
Sausage posted: (12th Jul 2009 03:54 pm)

Syran posted: (12th Jul 2009 03:51 pm)

So Asshole is going to try to sue us if we use any of EOs files? /dickmove

Wouldn't Vult-r have to be the one to sue everyone? I can't really imagine that happening.

I would think so. I'm thinking Arvid relinquished all rights to his art upon giving it to Vult-r to put in game. If that's true, Vult-r would have to sue everyone. I'm honestly considering getting a server in Thailand and hosting for free just to piss him off.
15 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #12954 Re: Copyright woes

Fuck rules.

15 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #12955 Re: Copyright woes

You mentioned Eoserv a lot, but not seose... Do these rules apply to soese, or just eoserv? And honestly, with all the people making their own servers I highly doubt arvid has the time or money to sue everyone...

15 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #12959 Re: Copyright woes

Sausage are the Gfx files Illegal?

like couldn't we just upload the edited gfx file?

I read what you said about the gfx files but i just want to be sure

15 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #12969 Re: Copyright woes

If you don't host the GFX files, it's fine.

15 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #12971 Re: Copyright woes

Hold on, is it only illegal to post links to an private server using the GFX files? In this case, is it ok to still host a server with the GFX as long as we don't advertise it online?

15 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #12972 Re: Copyright woes

The graphics files aren't hosted by you. Unless you have a custom client and upload it.

The map and pub files are however and they belong to Endless Online. The server sends the files to the client. Which is considered a copyright violation according to the crazy shower singer.

15 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #12973 Re: Copyright woes

Ok- so, is there any way in which we could sort of assign full credit of the maps to arvid as to get around claiming them as our own? So we could still use them, but it would be perfectly known that we did not make them. Is this possible?

15 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #12974 Re: Copyright woes
Midnight_Magic posted: (12th Jul 2009 07:17 pm)

Ok- so, is there any way in which we could sort of assign full credit of the maps to arvid as to get around claiming them as our own? So we could still use them, but it would be perfectly known that we did not make them. Is this possible?

Do what you want but when your either sued or disconnected, you have no one to blame but yourself.
15 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #12975 Re: Copyright woes

Well, I honestly don't think that a company with a game like endless that can't even control the players constantly hacking into their game is capable of suing everyone. But, to be on the safe side I'll just have to create my own version entirely... As long as I can still use the gfx files I'm good- but that would mean recreated all the pub files. Hm.... I suppose it'd be a fun project. :/ Once an easier to use version of the mapeditor comes out I'll start that. Until then my server will be down...

15 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #12982 Re: Copyright woes

lmao so i should be re doing my site? www.never-nights.co.nr xD

15 years, 32 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Announcements > Copyright woes