EOSERV Forum > Announcements > EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3
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EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3
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Post #12894 EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3
Warning: Distribution of this release of EOSERV is restricted under the requirements of the GPLv2. The source code used to build it is available from http://files.eoserv.net/source/

You should erase and reinstall your database or alter your tables to reflect the changes to install.sql
You should replace config.ini and admin.ini with the new ones, and edit them instead.

This is a release just because it's been such a long time since the last one. I had originally planned on rebalancing all the items/npcs first. Oh well.

EOSERV 0.4.0 -> 0.5.0 changes: (see https://eoserv.net/changelog for a full changelog)

  • INCLUDE/REQUIRE config constructs
  • SLN update client
  • Quake command ($quake)
  • Fixed all NPC problems
  • Use of scrolls and healing potion items
  • Character info command ($info)
  • Two-way NPC combat system
  • Anti-speed system
  • NT service mode (eoserv install, eoserv uninstall)
  • Party system
  • Shops (trade + craft) (only some are implemented by default)
  • Bank / bank lockers
  • Persistent bans (survives reboot)
  • Announcements on kick/ban/jail (+ silent versions)
  • Clean shutdown on sudden exit
  • Map mutation ($remap)
  • Colored console output
  • Arena (+ manual launch command $arena)
  • NPC spawning command ($snpc)
  • Many many many small changes/fixes

WebCP 2 -> 3 changes: (see https://eoserv.net/changelog for a full changelog)

  • Get online list from server
  • Theme changes
  • Pub file reading
  • Unified search system
  • Ban control panel
  • Several small changes/fixes
15 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #12896 Re: EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3

Great work, First comment :)

Endless-Online Version 18
Original Madmat
15 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #12922 Re: EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3


Well, Sausage.. I must say.. Your doing really good job i love it..!!

15 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #14187 Re: EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3

I know this sounds like a noobish question but could you explain $remap as I'm confused.

I am an alien and not crazy!
15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #14192 Re: EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3

If you change something on a map and dont want to reboot to see it, go to the edited map and use $remap and itll update the map for you without a shutdown.

May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #14204 Re: EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3

Spot on that is a nice feature. Now to get on with mapping :)

@Sausage, in your WebCP you might want to add ajax for when admins change character information. I am currently making a web class changer as your eoserv does not yet have it. It will allow the users to login to their accounts and change the class on the web.

If your eoserv does have class changing then would be useful too but Wize Man is'nt working.

I am an alien and not crazy!
15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #14216 Re: EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3

Thats because quest cases havent been coded yet, and wisemans dialog box is counted as a quest by eo. You can us a #class command, they are relatively easy to find on the forums.

May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
15 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #14229 Re: EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3

Yea but only admins can use that :(

I don't want to change everyones class when they need it done so this quick webpage will do the trick for now. Just had to look at sausages code tho to see how he did the passwords.

I am an alien and not crazy!
15 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #14234 Re: EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3


# is used for player commands, everyone would be able to use #class and it would only affect the user.

EDIT: What I mean by affect, it would change his details, but no one elses. However, everyone would see the changes, as long as the command was coded in correctly.

May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
15 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #14295 Re: EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3

it don't seem to work for me im typing this

#class 5

I am an alien and not crazy!
15 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #14296 Re: EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3

Well, if you didnt code it into the server, its not going to work v.v

May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
15 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #14312 Re: EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3

a very important thing in here NO DEBUG you cant make a server without the eoserv.debug....D: please try and fix it becuase  i just learned how to make a server and i cant without the debug.thank you.

15 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #14313 Re: EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3
Syran posted: (21st Jul 2009 04:33 pm)

Well, if you didnt code it into the server, its not going to work v.v

LOL, nope I'm using the binary package as it works great for me. My website should be done soon anyways so people can change thier class on there.
I am an alien and not crazy!
15 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #17683 Re: EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3

"Shops (trade + craft) (only some are implemented by default)"?



"If you're going through hell, keep going."
15 years, 33 weeks ago
Post #17703 Re: EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3

Why would you post this spam here?

I have to fucking scroll about 10times more just to get past that crap.

You even had a topic for it.

15 years, 33 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Announcements > EOSERV 0.5.0 and WebCP 3