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Post #205393 pets

does anyone know how to setup the pets folder on eosource i cant get any pets to work.

MaxInventoryItems = 100

PotionAmount = id

1.PotionID = 1

1.HPAmount = 1

1.TPAmount = 1

PetAmount = 1

1.NpcID = 353

1.SpellID = 33

1.ItemID = 574 

RevivalPotion = 1

PetInventoryItemID = 1

PetInventorySpellID = 1

RebirthLevel = 1

1.BaseMaxTP = 1

1.TPPerLevel = 1

1.MinDmgPerLevel = 1

1.MaxDmgPerLevel = 1

1.CastSpell = 1

1.HealAmount = 1

1.AllowTalking = yes

1.AllowMelee = yes

1.AllowSpells = yes

1.AllowHealing = yes

1.AllowPickingUpDrops = yes

HealLevelRequirement = 1

HealRebornRequirement = 1

574.HatchPet = 353

4 days, 1 hour ago
Post #205394 Re: pets


I have a couple of questions regarding your issue. 

1. What EOSource revision are you currently using? 
2. Do you have both the Item ID & NPC ID tagged to something in the pub files? (If it is not one that currently exists, it could cause some issues.)


Personally, I would suggest dropping EOSource, and using another server emulator such as the ones listed on Endless Devs [Game Servers].

The do not have Pets pre-installed however they are more secure, and the code is clean. If you are looking for pets on a different game server emulator -- I would suggest reaching out in the 404 Discord, and someone may be willing to add a functioning pets feature for some compensation. 

Good luck!

CN:BH 4 lyfe
1 day, 37 minutes ago
Post #205395 Re: pets

i have bird which is id 353 and i have it under quest with the id set to 1. i do however have a quest npc also with the id set to 1 but i tried setting the pet to a quest id that im not using, i just dont think i have it set up right. for instance where it has 

itemid.hatchpet = npcid i dont know if im suppose to put it like 574.hatchpet = 353(id of pet npc in pubs) or 574.hatchpet = 1(which is pets quest id)

and the item  id is 574 and i have it set as static.and ive tried other servers and when i have my friends join it bugs an disconnects and they lose gamplay. i havent had that issue with eosource. and im using eosource 6.9

and thanks for the reply.

and this is the options for the pets folder i just dont know where im suppose to plug in the ids. like my pet id is 353 with a quest id of 1.and the item to summon pet is 574. ive tired muiltiple of ways but it never summons the pet 

 MaxInventoryItems = 100

PotionAmount = id

id.PotionID = id

id.HPAmount = id

id.TPAmount = id

PetAmount = id

id.NpcID = id

id.SpellID = id

id.ItemID = id

RevivalPotion = id

PetInventoryItemID = id

PetInventorySpellID = id

RebirthLevel = id

npcid.BaseMaxTP = id

npcid.TPPerLevel = id

npcid.MinDmgPerLevel = id

npcid.MaxDmgPerLevel = id

npcid.CastSpell = id

npcid.HealAmount = id

npcid.AllowTalking = yes

npcid.AllowMelee = yes

npcid.AllowSpells = yes

npcid.AllowHealing = yes

npcid.AllowPickingUpDrops = yes

HealLevelRequirement = id

HealRebornRequirement = id

itemid.HatchPet = npcid

5 hours, 9 minutes ago
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