EOSERV Forum > Client Editing > cant seem to get updater to work
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cant seem to get updater to work
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Post #205386 cant seem to get updater to work

so i am willing to pay someone on cash app to download eo-serv 7.0 and a copy of the endless game, add the updater(boss health bar, readable item stats etc).also i want to be able to use aoe items. so i will pay someone to go through the process of obtaining these things and it be workable so i can build a game of my own. if interested. Please Pm me your  price to do this for me.

34 weeks, 4 days ago
Post #205387 Re: cant seem to get updater to work

Hey Fluster, 

Unfortunately the EOServ forums are pretty dead now a days. If you are interested in finding someone to do some commission work - I suggest you check out the 404 Discord. Majority of Endless Online community developers are in there. I am sure someone would be interested in helping you out with this project. Good luck I hope this helps!

CN:BH 4 lyfe
34 weeks, 2 days ago
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EOSERV Forum > Client Editing > cant seem to get updater to work