EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > question about the latest version of endless online
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question about the latest version of endless online
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Post #205382 question about the latest version of endless online

the new download Endless Online0420 are the pubs and gfx free to use

1 year, 5 days ago
Post #205383 Re: question about the latest version of endless online

The current version of Endless Online is not supported by EOServ or any other public emulator. And I do not think they are "free to use", as Vult-r has been making a lot of changes recently. I believe he is trying to keep people from emulating the current version of Endless Online. But all in all, I don't think anyone is interested in trying to support it anyways at the moment. They would have to make new file editors for pubs, maps, etc. It's too much of a pain when we have a working version of v28 and 0.3.x support if you really want to use the "newer" client. Hope this answers your question. 

If you are interested in adding support for 0.3.x client into EOServ - Vult provided the packets that you will need etc. Below is the link for the client, and the technical info to support it. 



CN:BH 4 lyfe
1 year, 4 days ago
Post #205384 Re: question about the latest version of endless online

yea ived tried to add the deep patch to my game but it doesnt work for me. glitches my game and the endless game icon that comes with the deep patch says i have to upgade my version and i dont know how to do that 

1 year, 4 days ago
Post #205385 Re: question about the latest version of endless online
typer1 posted: (28th Mar 2024, 08:52 pm)

yea ived tried to add the deep patch to my game but it doesnt work for me. glitches my game and the endless game icon that comes with the deep patch says i have to upgade my version and i dont know how to do that 

I haven't really played around with it myself. But it looks like you can change the build version in setup.ini as mentioned by Vult: "additional there is a setup.ini key BuildVersion=X that will do this without hex-editing." If that doesn't work you could try asking in #programming channel on the Endless Online Official Discord, or join the Phorophor - Devs Not Found (sorta) discord and ask in there. I am sure someone would be willing to help you out. Sadly, I don't think many people check EOServ forums much anymore. And mostly everyone has migrated to the 404 Discord server. Good luck man.
CN:BH 4 lyfe
51 weeks, 1 day ago
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EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > question about the latest version of endless online