EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > configuring skins and other features from 0.3xj client?
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configuring skins and other features from 0.3xj client?
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Post #205371 configuring skins and other features from 0.3xj client?

wondering if its possible to make skins usable , as well as notifications and features from the last 0.3 xj client?

1 year, 32 weeks ago
Post #205372 Re: configuring skins and other features from 0.3xj client?

You should be able to do that by following the tech info provided for 0.3.X client updates. Skins can be configured by changing exiting configuration files while other additions will require additional code to be added to EOServ. 

Link for official docs: https://www.endless-online.com/deep/techinfo.html

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”― Albert Einstein
1 year, 32 weeks ago
Post #205374 Re: configuring skins and other features from 0.3xj client?

Thank you. Do you know if there is a tutorial on how to add new gfx to efg files too? I tried with adding reshacker on gfx21 but its never showing up in pubstudio on the NPC gfx tab..

1 year, 31 weeks ago
Post #205388 Re: configuring skins and other features from 0.3xj client?

Everything seems to work with the newer client except it wont load the maps for some reason. Loads pubs, GFX (with minor tweeks for the new client layout), Mini Map works, Item Hover-over info appears with correct stats, New Paperdoll layout, but the maps don't seem to load in. Anyone have an idea what may be causing this?

31 weeks, 3 days ago
Post #205389 Re: configuring skins and other features from 0.3xj client?
xalnaga posted: (23rd Aug 2024, 10:12 pm)

Everything seems to work with the newer client except it wont load the maps for some reason. Loads pubs, GFX (with minor tweeks for the new client layout), Mini Map works, Item Hover-over info appears with correct stats, New Paperdoll layout, but the maps don't seem to load in. Anyone have an idea what may be causing this?

That's kind of weird. Did you try putting fresh maps into the server? It could be bugged maps unless you messed with map code in any way. 

If you are using the most recent client it will not load old v28 maps. The 0.4x client & server uses different maps. They have a lot more different additions to them. If you are using 0.3x client it should work perfectly fine with older maps though. If you continue to have any issues majority of the EOServ people have moved to 404 discord. You can find the link on http://www.apollo-games.com/SLN/sln.php/
CN:BH 4 lyfe
31 weeks, 1 day ago
Post #205390 Re: configuring skins and other features from 0.3xj client?

Well I feel stupid now... The client file was missing a maps directory folder so it couldn't load the maps in. It's working now, Thanks!

30 weeks, 2 days ago
Post #205391 Re: configuring skins and other features from 0.3xj client?
xalnaga posted: (31st Aug 2024, 03:56 pm)

Well I feel stupid now... The client file was missing a maps directory folder so it couldn't load the maps in. It's working now, Thanks!

No worries! Glad it was easily resolved.
CN:BH 4 lyfe
30 weeks, 1 day ago
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EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > configuring skins and other features from 0.3xj client?