EOSERV Forum > Game Development > New Endless Online - A Unity Recreation
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New Endless Online - A Unity Recreation
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Post #205359 New Endless Online - A Unity Recreation


Past couple of months I've been working on recreating EO in Unity3D. The server is written in c# for the .NET framework. Many features have been implemented but it's still quite incomplete. The code is quite messy, and I'll be working on cleaning it up and documenting more of it.

Preview video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Csw35YpLhk

Pub files & Map files

Currently, the pub and map files are formatted in JSON. It's readable and easy to edit. This is not what I'll be using for the final product. I wanted to use custom pub and map files because my intent for this project was to implement more features on top of vanilla EO. I created utility programs to convert EO maps and pub files to these custom ones. SO far I only am using npc and item pub files as I havent implemented spells or classes.

Gfx files

The gfx files have been unpacked into seperate bitmaps and an alpha channel has been added. Use plasmastar's gfx unpacker and any program to add the alpha channel. I wrote my own program for this and I'll share it as well.


-Unity3d 2021.3.15f1 or later

-.Net Core 3.1


Client: https://bitbucket.org/gmardari/new-endless-online-client/src/master/

Server: https://bitbucket.org/gmardari/neo-server/src/master/

Pub/map converter: https://bitbucket.org/gmardari/neo-file-converter/src/master/

Gfx alpha channel utility program: https://bitbucket.org/gmardari/neo-gfx-converter/src/master/

When you download the client project it will begin downloading the necessary libraries/packages. This can take several minutes. In my experience, turning off Windows Defender Real-time protection makes this process a lot faster (if you are using it). I would guess that any anti virus program can do the same thing.

1 year, 40 weeks ago
Post #205360 Re: New Endless Online - A Unity Recreation

Very nice. It's cool seeing stuff like this years later!

Why am I still here...
1 year, 39 weeks ago
Post #205361 Re: New Endless Online - A Unity Recreation
pickupstixx posted: (27th Jun 2023, 01:14 am)

Very nice. It's cool seeing stuff like this years later!

Thank you ^^
1 year, 39 weeks ago
Post #205362 Re: New Endless Online - A Unity Recreation


"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid." -Albert Einstein
1 year, 39 weeks ago
Post #205363 Re: New Endless Online - A Unity Recreation

Nice! Looks cool. Keep up the good work. 

CN:BH 4 lyfe
1 year, 39 weeks ago
Post #205368 Re: New Endless Online - A Unity Recreation

hmm unity o.o' am i sensing maybe EO hitting the steam store as a free indie mmorpg XD lol can only imagine the attention this old gem would get on a platform like steam.

1 year, 35 weeks ago
Post #205369 Re: New Endless Online - A Unity Recreation
judess69er posted: (31st Jul 2023, 12:02 pm)

hmm unity o.o' am i sensing maybe EO hitting the steam store as a free indie mmorpg XD lol can only imagine the attention this old gem would get on a platform like steam.

Yeah for sure on steam it would gain popularity. Not sure Vult R would be happy since he started working on EO again, and well, this isn't official
1 year, 34 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Game Development > New Endless Online - A Unity Recreation