EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > Cannot find -pthreadGC2 and -lsqlite3
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Cannot find -pthreadGC2 and -lsqlite3
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Post #205357 Cannot find -pthreadGC2 and -lsqlite3

Hi guys its been a minute.

Im so surprised theres still some numbers on EO and its still alive and kicking.

Somehow this inspired to make a really committed server building on what I had in the past.

Im having troubles compiling the latest released revision (by latest i mean like 7 years ago hahaha)

I keep getting these last 2 error messages. Whether I use SQLite or MariaDB.

cannot find -lpthreadGC2

cannot find -lqsqlite3

Ive looked around the forums and there are some posts about it but none that fixed it :(

The last revision seems to be looking only for pthreadGC2 where as the latest version of MingW has updated to pthreadGC-3.dll now

Id truly appreciate any help 

Please and thank you!.

"With your feet steady and firm on the ground soar high and ignore limitations"  -Bladex
EOSERV Class : Pixel Artist, Grammar Nazi, Server Owner, Mapping Artist, Server Coder, Test Player,
The Game Maker
1 year, 46 weeks ago
Post #205358 Re: Cannot find -pthreadGC2 and -lsqlite3

Good to see you still around. Hope all is well man! 

Check out https://github.com/ethanmoffat/etheos. He has a pretty cool ready-to-go rev, and it also has instructions on how to set everything up. From what I have heard it is pretty easy to use out of the box. 

CN:BH 4 lyfe
1 year, 44 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > Cannot find -pthreadGC2 and -lsqlite3