EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > Autoadmin possible?
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Autoadmin possible?
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Post #205352 Autoadmin possible?

How can I make it so when my friend makes a character it's auto admin level 2?

Thank you.

1 year, 50 weeks ago
Post #205353 Re: Autoadmin possible?

 I can't remember how to do it to be honest. I think you may have to add it into the server. I know a few different older compiled revs used to have that option. The easiest way would be once he joins use $setadmin <character name> <admin level> or update his admin level in the database. If you are using sqlite, you will need to download https://sqlitebrowser.org/ to view the database and edit the admin value in there. If you are using MySQL then you will need to download a client to connect to the MySQL database and edit the contents. 

CN:BH 4 lyfe
1 year, 50 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > Autoadmin possible?