EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > does anyone know where to find the v28 EO .ini files? (Solved)
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does anyone know where to find the v28 EO .ini files? (Solved)
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Post #205348 does anyone know where to find the v28 EO .ini files? (Solved)

a long time ago i remember there was a site with downloads for the v28 arenas.ini, drops.ini, home.ini, shops.ini and skills.ini files, does this still exist? if it doesn't does someone by any chance have copies of they could link to on pastebin?

only one i can locate in my archives is the skills.ini which i tossed on pastebin in case anyone else was also looking for em


I think i found the arenas.ini also


and i think this is the home.ini


still just cant seem to find the shops.ini and drops.ini files.
im not 100% sure but im pretty sure i just found the default v28 shops.ini and drops.ini files in my archives, soo i guess i just found everything i was looking for upon looking hard enough in my archived files.


1 year, 49 weeks ago
Post #205349 Re: does anyone know where to find the v28 EO .ini files? (Solved)

I know that there used to be some on EOSource, but it looks like that site got shutdown recently. You may have to do some searching on google. I remember coming across them at some point but not entirely sure where at to be honest.

CN:BH 4 lyfe
1 year, 48 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > does anyone know where to find the v28 EO .ini files? (Solved)