EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > My VampireMike account
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My VampireMike account
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Post #205288 My VampireMike account

I could do with someone helping me to get my VampireMike account back, because it turns out that during all these years I spent not being on this forum, that someone hacked my account and altered the email address to 

2 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #205289 Re: My VampireMike account

I haven't heard that name in a minute. Good luck on getting the account back.

CN:BH 4 lyfe
2 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #205290 Re: My VampireMike account

Thanks Jimmy, at this rate, I'm gonna need that good luck D:


Well it's been nearly 3 weeks since I messaged Sausage asking for help in getting my account back from what is only a 2 minute job, and the closest I got was "Error 404, sign of life not found"

2 years, 38 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > My VampireMike account