EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > Recruiting Talented People For A Revolutionary Server
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Recruiting Talented People For A Revolutionary Server
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Post #205229 Recruiting Talented People For A Revolutionary Server

What I don't like to see (no offense to BU and FE) is a server list with very few if any servers that are worth spending my time on. 

It seems there have been no successful projects with their aspirations fulfilled. Always dead end projects from people who wanted something but just end up quitting EO altogether. I can't say I wasn't one of those people. 

My creative energy has remained until this day and I've always been coming up with ideas throughout the years.

BU, FE, and EE are good servers. But they lack the kind of gameplay I desire personally. And I feel like lots of people will stick with these servers because there's nothing else better to choose. 

I have a different style of gameplay I would like to see brought to life. Only EE has come close to what I am talking about: 

- Not extremely high EXP rates with the reborn feature...this gives off way more of a "private server" vibe than it does a truly independent and unique RPG. 

- Same with other things: small amounts of gold should still be considered valuable, drops not as much, drops more realistic perhaps, shops more focused on crafting and I especially would like to see many different NPC's for crafting...not having tons and tons of items to craft in one NPC/vendor. 

(EE just doesn't seem like its own game, still having EO main's old maps.) 

I could go on for a long time about this, but that's not for this thread. If you're interested in this project I want to start, I will tell you everything. 

This thread is to find people that still have an interest in making EOSERVERs, whether you are a pixel artist, coder, GUI/website creator, mapper, etc.. I could really use you in this "revolutionary" project I want to form. I can't just make a server by myself, it's not motivating enough. 

I also have so many ideas for storylines. I've become a lot more "mystical" minded the past few years and I could easily come up with so much lore / storyline for a server/game. I would really like to see some of these ideas for lore I have implemented into an EO server / game. 

I'm a very good mapper, I like to think. You can see some of my maps I've made here. But I can also write quests in EO+ scripting pretty well. I also like to think I will be really good at setting up the gameplay to be perfect. People don't really understand what I'm saying when I say that. But to explain it as simple as possible, I think the stats of the game, the drops, the shops, the crafts, even the maps need to be very well connected together in order for people to have the best game experience. Things need to be thought out very well and it can't all just be random in order for it to be an established game. 

No offense to BU and FE, and I know I might not have a full understanding of their servers and their history....

But it seems like their servers were created very randomly. They weren't meant to be "perfect". The maps were built just for the sole purpose of adding content to the game. Their player counts grew and then they added more and more. Then they changed the starting zones, replaced maps and graphics that were nicer than the last. It was never meant to be thought out well and executed well. 

It can take me up to 3 hours to create a 50 X 50 Y map. I want it to look very detailed and structured, not just random. I also keep in mind that this map is apart of terrain or territory, connecting to similar maps, and then onto much different terrain. 

The maps should give you the vibe of a fantasy world. A "Role Playing Game" it is called. It should give off that vibe. 
Original Endless Online did a pretty good job at this. And that's why it is so nostalgic for all of us. Main EO Clone seems to maintain almost as many players as BU, but I'm not even too sure to be honest if any updates happen with Main EO Clone, and if not, that would explain why no more players have joined. 

Send me a PM, or just add me on Discord: 


3 years, 11 weeks ago
Post #205230 Re: Recruiting Talented People For A Revolutionary Server

Here are some of the "goals" I've managed to suss out of your post:

  • High EXP + rebirth system = bad (sure, I agree)
  • Inflation = bad (duh)
  • Different aspects of the game need to be "very well connected together" (???)
  • "Things need to be thought out very well" (vague)
  • "The maps should give you the vibe of a fantasy world" (vague)

If you're looking to attract talent, then I would suggest elaborating on your vision.

  • What sort of project do you actually want to create? (So far, I only know this in terms of what you don't like about other projects.)
  • What makes this project so "revolutionary"?
  • What makes you the right person to lead this team of "talented people" that you're trying to attract?

I also feel the need to address your comments on some of these other projects like BU, FE, and EE.
While I'm sure that you didn't
 intend to come off as negative and whiny in this post, someone should probably tell you that you have. "idk I want to be better than those projects" isn't a very good way to frame your pitch.
Spend less time negging existing games and more time explaining what's special about the one you want to make.

Want to learn to pixel?
3 years, 11 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > Recruiting Talented People For A Revolutionary Server