EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > Beginning Quest of a Storyline &Facts of my Upcoming Server
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Beginning Quest of a Storyline &Facts of my Upcoming Server
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Post #205212 Beginning Quest of a Storyline &Facts of my Upcoming Server

The idea for the storyline on my upcoming server is this: (scroll down to white part to see the EO+ quest script.)

The characters father is sick, and has always wanted his child to become wealthy and better off in the world, in contrast to his father and ancestors. The father doesn't want his child to pursue a path of wizardry, or in his fathers eyes, a deceptive ideology that might not even exist, or if does, is a form of evil that no one should pursue. That's an "ignorant" view, which the secretive mystics call it, that most NPC's in this fictional world believe. 

It is difficult to pursue magic in a world that rebels against the idea. Learning magic is extremely difficult when most magic users are either outcasts, secretive, or already apart of a larger faction or powerful entity especially because of their magical contributions. The storyline is heavily based on the character pursuing the path of magical accumulation and listening to a preaching old man that has past experiences with wizards, but still never has accumulated magic himself and only knows about it. The old man is very wise and teaches things to the character about magic. 

Regardless of what the player chooses in this beginning quest, they still talk to the old man for teachings of the game, mostly politics, mysticism, and magic. But the twist is that when they choose certain things in the beginning of the quest, such as listening to father and telling him that you will stop talking to the old man, you don't gain as much experience points but mainly stats like agility and strength compared to the wizards path which is "Sorry, but I can't stop talking to the man, he's taught me so much", which is mandatory for someone to pursue the path of a great wizard and user of magic. As in this game - I haven't decided completely yet - you will only get 1 stat point per level, or maybe none at all, and then a max level the player can be. Without choosing the right options in the storyline, or without taking certain quests, your player will not be the most powerful wizard in the game. But choosing the non-great wizard path, players can be a warrior and wizard but are better off merely choosing the path of a warrior. The idea of the server is to be a hybrid/demi-god of both great physical abilities and magical powers, but only the ones that successfully follow the wizards path will achieve this, exploring the right maps and finding side-quests, choosing the right options, etc., and especially this because realistically magical powers - in real-life theories and science fiction - grant people the ability to have extraordinary strength and higher intelligence and perspective and ability to be a warrior.

Experience points are also - in a large portion of the beginning of the game - mostly only achieved through following side-quests and the storyline, especially choosing the right options. For example, a passive wild boar only gives you 2 experience points, while a mother wild boar that is aggressive because it wants to defend its baby wild boar will give you around 5 experience points. Later on in the game, boss mobs, and then some other mobs will be able to give you a good amount of experience points, because realistically killing things gives you experience in killing things.

Eventually, father dies from sickness. The character of this storyline is nearly maddened by the death of his father. Blaming the wealthy and better-off for not sparing their time and resources to bring medicine to the characters homeland, an island far from the mainland. 

The character eventually finds his sister that just arrived to the island. The sister pretty much abandoned her family on a search for her passion and desire for a better life for herself, but she comes back to visit her family once in a blue moon. His sister is a pioneer and explorer that seeks out new islands and continents on a mission to enlighten the mainlands population of new possible settlements, other civilizations, and breakthroughs of medieval technological, medicinal, and spiritual development. The character goes with the sister after being inspired by conversations with the old man to avenge his fathers death by being an important figure in the world, and or to pursue magic and helping his sister. He sister joins in his quest and allows him to use her boat to go anywhere in the world, but some places are limited until the character unlocks them through the storyline. The character is then on a search to find ancient and forgotten methods of magic and spell-casting, unless they chose the path of a warrior and being an important figure to avenge his father. 

Eventually the character is truly maddened as his homeland-his families island- is raided and destroyed - everyone dying - by a corrupted guild of Seltatorians (basically the alliance like world of warcraft, as there will be around a dozen races in this game). Which then gives the player the perspective that the Seltatorian alliance is not perfect, and has a lot of corruption, which the character gets motivated through experiencing the quest line, to eradicate. Basically the nature of their corruption is assisting the Kelamakians (kinda like the horde of world of warcraft, encompassing 6 races: orc, dark elf, daemonian, ogre, giant, and goblin) in dominating important territories and destroying assets of the Seltatorian alliance, out of mere greed and thirst for power. 

Here is the quest: 

questname "Homeland"
version 2
state Begin
desc "Talk to Mother"
action AddNpcText( 1 , "Good morning. You know, it was a long night after you fell asleep. Your father\'s condition is getting worse and worse. Can I tell you something? But promise not to get too upset." );
action AddNpcText( 1 , "I have doubts he will last another coming of winter..." );
action AddNpcInput( 1 , 1 , "What can I do to help?");
rule InputNpc( 1 ) goto Help
state Help
desc "Talk to Mother"
action AddNpcText( 1 , "I think it\'s best you spend all your time by his side until he passes... I think he is awake now. Go check!" );
action ShowHint("Talk to father in his room...");
rule TalkedToNpc(1) goto Father
state Father
desc "Talk to Father"
action AddNpcText( 2 , "My great child. I am old y\'know. We come and we go, they say." );
action AddNpcInput( 2 , 1 , "I\'m here for you, father. I would do anything for you.");
rule InputNpc( 1 ) goto Father2
state Father2
desc "Talk to Father"
action AddNpcText( 2 , "There\'s two things you can do for me. One would be to stop talking to that old man! He isn\'t a good mentor for you, son." );
action AddNpcInput( 2 , 1 , "What\'s the second thing?");
action AddNpcInput( 2 , 2 , "You know how stubborn I am. I couldn't stop talking to him. He\'s taught me so much.");
rule InputNpc( 1 ) goto SecondThing
rule InputNpc( 2 ) goto Stubborn
state SecondThing
desc "Talk to Father"
action GiveStat("agi",3);
action GiveExp(29);
action ShowHint("You gained 3 Agility and 29 Experience");
action AddNpcText( 2 , "Fetch wild boar for our family. Without me being able to help Adwic around his shop, we aren\'t making any gold. What we have saved goes towards this home." );
action AddNpcInput( 2 , 1 , "Yes, father.");
rule InputNpc( 1 ) goto BoarQuest2
state Stubborn
desc "Talk to Father"
action AddNpcText( 2 , "He is delusional! Or worse, a witch! You never know with those who come from the mainland." );
action AddNpcText( 2 , "You know I want you to be the great legacy of our bloodline! Our ancestors has survived through bloodshed and chaos, only for you to come into this world. Do something great with yourself like we couldn't. Like I\'ve always said, farming is great business." );
action AddNpcInput( 2 , 1 , "I can stop talking to him for you...");
action AddNpcInput( 2 , 2 , "Anything but that. But I will still do something great with myself.");
rule InputNpc( 1 ) goto BoarQuest
rule InputNpc( 2 ) goto DoThisThen
state DoThisThen
desc "Talk to Father"
action GiveStat("cha", 3);
action GiveExp(46);
action ShowHint("You gained 3 Charisma and 46 Experience");
action AddNpcText( 2 , " *Coughs rapidly* *Recovers* Fine. Then please fetch me some food. With me not being able to help Adwic around his shop we aren't earning gold. Our savings has to be spent on this home. Fetch me wild boar! *Coughs* *Recovers* I will need the strength, my child. Also for your mother. We need at least six wild boar carcasses to last us for this month." );
action AddNpcInput( 2 , 1 , "Yes, father. Right away!");
rule InputNpc( 1 ) goto BoarQuest2
state BoarQuest
desc "Talk to Father"
action AddNpcText( 2 , " *Coughs rapidly* *Recovers* Splendid. Please fetch me some food. With me not being able to help Adwic around his shop we aren't earning gold. Our savings has to be spent on this home. Fetch me wild boar! *Coughs* *Recovers* I will need the strength, my child. You should find wild boar somewhere! Bring extra for your mother, too. At least six carcasses. We need it to last all month. I will give you some herbal remedy to heal yourself if you get injured... these boars are wild.");
action GiveItem(46, 9);
action ShowHint("Obtained 9 Herbal Remedy\'s");
rule TalkedToNpc(2) goto ObtainBoarCarcass
state BoarQuest2
desc "Talk to Father"
action AddNpcText( 2 , "Splendid. Here, take some herbs with you. It will heal you if you get injured... these boars are wild. ");
action GiveItem(46, 9);
action ShowHint("Obtained 9 Herbal Remedy\'s");
rule TalkedToNpc(2) goto ObtainBoarCarcass
state ObtainBoarCarcass
desc "Obtain 6 Wild Boar Carcasses"
action AddNpcText( 2 , "I don\'t know how much longer I can go without food...");
action ShowHint("Obtain 9 wild boar carcasses for father!");
rule GotItems(484, 9) goto ObtainedBoarCarcass
state ObtainedBoarCarcass
desc "Obtained"
action ShowHint("Return to father with the wild boar carcass");
action AddNpcText( 2 , "Good job!");
rule TalkedToNpc(2) goto Begin
3 years, 25 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > Beginning Quest of a Storyline &Facts of my Upcoming Server