EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > Accuracy & evasion
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Accuracy & evasion
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Post #204936 Accuracy & evasion

Hey ya'll,

I couldn't find any topic on this, does anyone know how acc/eva in formulas.ini is calculated?

My tests results are awkward:
0 accuracy on a mob with 10 eva (should be 0% hitrate?)
20 attacks gives me 10 hits (=50% hitrate)

10 accuracy on a mob with 10 eva (should be 50% hit rate?)
20 attacks gives me 8 hits (=40% hitrate)

It feels to me like the hit rate is random ish but when I give a item 1000 acc, I never miss an attack. So accuracy does work.
So if anyone has tested this and can clarify this for me that would be highly appreciated!

Note: I'm using EOSource.

Hitrate in my formulas.ini
hit_rate = 100 modifier target_evade * / 0.8 1.0 critical ? 100 accuracy / + - 0.2 max 1.0 min

5 years, 10 weeks ago
Post #204947 Re: Accuracy & evasion

Without parsing this properly my brain guesses you want your hit rate to be:

max(min(100 / (modifier * target_evade) - (if critical then 1.0 else 0.8) + (100 / accuracy), 0.2), 1)

Which looks like the legacy EOSERV formula. The now recommended formula is/was:

hit_rate = 2 target_evade 1 + target_evade 1 + accuracy 2 + - / * 0 - exp 1 + 1 /

However, clone is currently using this as it behaves closer to the official server:

hit_rate = 2 target_evade * accuracy / 0.5 0 accuracy target_evade + = ? 0.2 max 0.8 min

5 years, 9 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > Accuracy & evasion