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Eo iconset
Author Message
Post #204876 Eo iconset

remake of EOs icons base file is in 128x128, the larger files are just scaled up
and it looks like this

from 16x16 to 1024x1024

alternatively you can just save the image if downloading seems like a hassle 

i'm not too sure if this is where i should post this but it seems the most fitting

- Starley
4 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #204878 Re: Eo iconset

Absolutely fantastic work, and I have no idea why this has not been done yet.

Rep if I could :)

4 years, 34 weeks ago
Post #204879 Re: Eo iconset
matiasmunk posted: (31st Aug 2019, 06:42 am)

Absolutely fantastic work, and I have no idea why this has not been done yet.

Rep if I could :)

Thanks ^-^ I thought it might be useful
- Starley
4 years, 33 weeks ago
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