EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > im having a issue with creating accounts on my server
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im having a issue with creating accounts on my server
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Post #204836 im having a issue with creating accounts on my server

as the subject says the issue but heres the error

[WRN] Closing client connection sending invalid sequence:????????????, Got 61055, expected 1152.

                                                                               ip address^^

after i open my server and create a acc it gives the error im using callums rev 535 

5 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #204837 Re: im having a issue with creating accounts on my server

Need to turn off fast create mate; or any other hacks if you have them enabled

5 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #204838 Re: im having a issue with creating accounts on my server

were and how would i see if i have any enabled?

5 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #204839 Re: im having a issue with creating accounts on my server

Are you using a fresh copy of the endless online client? The server is telling you that the packet it has received is incorrect, and has thus dropped the connection.  

You can get around this by disabling 'sequence checking' in the server configuration file (found in the server config folder). As to why you're getting that error; there is not enough information, possibilities range from you having hacks enabled, an incorrectly programmed custom client, or the server having a bug in its packet handling code. 

5 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #204840 Re: im having a issue with creating accounts on my server

# It is recommended not to edit this file directly, and instead copy the options

# you want to change to a file at config_local/server.ini or config.local.ini

# and keep config/server.ini synchronized with the latest version of EOSERV


## Host (string)

# The IP address the server should listen on

# = all

Host =

## Port (number)

# The port the server should listen on

Port = 8078

## MaxConnections (number)

# The maximum number of connections the server will open

MaxConnections = 1000

## ListenBacklog (number)

# The maximum number of half-open connections that can be queued up

ListenBacklog = 50

## MaxPlayers (number)

# The maximum number of players who can be online

MaxPlayers = 800

## MaxConnectionsPerIp (number)

# The maximum numbers of connections one IP address can open

# 0 for unlimited

MaxConnectionsPerIP = 0

## IPReconnectLimit (number)

# Time an IP address must wait between connections

IPReconnectLimit = 10s

## MaxConnectionsPerPC (number)

# The maximum numbers of connections one computer can open (still evadeable)

# 0 for unlimited

MaxConnectionsPerPC = 0

## MaxLoginAttempts (number)

# Maximum number of login attempts before disconnecting

# 0 for unlimited

MaxLoginAttempts = 0

## PasswordSalt (string)

# Enter any large amount of random characters here

# WARNING: Changing this will break any existing users' passwords.

PasswordSalt = xamxam

## SeoseCompat (string)

# Compatability with Seose2EOSERV converted databases

# WARNING: Changing this will break any existing users' passwords.

SeoseCompat = no

## SeoseCompatKey (string)

# Compatability with Seose2EOSERV converted databases. Should match Seose's PasswordKey option

# Has no effect unless SeoseCompat is enabled

# WARNING: Changing this will break any existing users' passwords.

# '#' characters in this string will be replaced with '£' (0xA3)

SeoseCompatKey = D4q9_f30da%#q02#)8

## CheckVersion (bool)

# Checks the version of the client and rejects them if it's not supported

CheckVersion = yes

## MinVersion (number)

# Minimum version to accept

# Set to 0 to use server's minimum supported version

MinVersion = 0

## MaxVersion (number)

# Maximum version to accept

# Set to at 0 to server's maximum support version, or -1 to enable all

# versions higher than MinVersion

MaxVersion = 0

## OldVersionCompat (bool)

# Enable version 27 compatible protocol when client version is less than 28

OldVersionCompat = yes

## TimedSave (number)

# How often to save all online characters and guilds

# Characters are still saved on logout

# Set to 0 to disable timed saves (not reccommended)

# WARNING: Disabling this can leave your database inconsistent in the case of a crash

TimedSave = 0

## IgnoreHDID (bool)

# Ignores the HDID in relation to bans and identification

# With this disabled, you should warn your users about logging in to un-trusted servers

# Enabling this makes MaxConnectionsPerPC ineffective

IgnoreHDID = no

## ServerLanguage (string)

# Specifies the language file to use for server -> client string messages

# See the lang directory for a list of supported languages

ServerLanguage = ./lang/en.ini

## PacketQueueMax (number)

# Maximum amount of packets to queue before disconnecting a client if they send more.

PacketQueueMax = 9999

## PingRate (number)

# How often to send a ping to connected clients.

# Clients are disconnected if the y fail to respond to the first ping before

# the next is sent.

PingRate = 999s

## EnforceSequence (bool)

# Checks the sequence on packets from the client for correctness

EnforceSequence = yes

## EnforceTimestamps (bool)

# Checks timestamps sent with certain client actions for correctness

EnforceTimestamps = yes

## EnforceSessions (bool)

# Checks session tokens sent with certain client actions for correctness

EnforceSessions = yes

this is everything in my server.ini

5 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #204841 Re: im having a issue with creating accounts on my server


EnforceSequence = no

5 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #204842 Re: im having a issue with creating accounts on my server

its up now but im having a issue with my class apparently when i create a new character it doesnt have a class. maybe this isnt the right place to post that but was letting u know the know issue is fixed as of right now.

5 years, 29 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > im having a issue with creating accounts on my server