im trying to write a quest that requires a party to start. Also im trying to use the PartyWarp action an the eo serv is showing PartyWarp isn't a valid Action its unknown. Anyway I can get this quest to use a function that warps a party
questname "Dungeon"
version 1.0
State begin
desc "Talk to Dungeon Master"
rule DoneDaily(1)goto
State start
desc "Talk to Dungeon Master"
action AddNpcText(17,
"Haul only a team of 2 or more can enter this dungeon");
action AddNpcInput(17,
1, "understood ill get my party");
action AddNpcInput(17,
2, "Ill never find anyone to join");
rule InputNpc(1)
goto talk
State talk
desc "Talk to Dungeon Master"
action AddNpcText(17,
"By order of the King I must inform you, Before entering this dungeon you an your team need to know it isnt for the faint of heart.");
action AddNpcText(17,
"Enter at your on risk.");
rule InParty() goto enter
State enter
desc "Enter Dungeon"
action PartyWarp(203,0,9);
rule EnterMap(203)
goto startquest
State startquest
desc "Kill The Boss"
rule KilledNpcs(194,
1) goto talk1
State talk1
desc "Talk To Dungeon Master"
action AddNpcText(17,
"You an your party Successfully completed this dungeon");
action AddNpcText(17,
"Heres your reward");
rule TalkedToNpc(17)
goto reward
State reward
desc "Talk To Dungeon Master"
action PartyWarp(105,7,5);
action ResetDaily();