Thanks for the reply but the EOSERV is only showing npc spawn errors, because of location... but that is not a problem at all.
I fixed all the problems i had with the stores.
Right now I'm dealing with the pirate quests... they don't work because on the pub files available the NPCs 177 and 15 (pirate captains) have their quest lines set to 6 and 7 which are the newb land quests pirate treasure and goat horns, also the lost pirate has his quest line set to 22 which
doesn't exist on the quest files.
It is impossible to finish the quests like this.
I tried setting the quest like on them to the respective monkey island and pirate quests but i didn't work.
You can't even interact with them...
I'd really appreciate some help with this, I can't properly launch the server like with and focus on other things while this is happening...
Thanks for you time