EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > Why do I only see some NPC gfx in gfx 21?
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Why do I only see some NPC gfx in gfx 21?
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Post #204257 Why do I only see some NPC gfx in gfx 21?

I only see the NPC facing left and down, but not right or up, why is this?

6 years, 31 weeks ago
Post #204263 Re: Why do I only see some NPC gfx in gfx 21?


As with everything else (characters, armors, weapons, shields, etc) the client fluid those frames to make the other direction. It's pretty obvious when you look at the templates.

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6 years, 31 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > Why do I only see some NPC gfx in gfx 21?