EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > SLN update error, failed to add new server record
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SLN update error, failed to add new server record
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Post #204239 SLN update error, failed to add new server record

As the title says, it cant add my server to the list. I used 3 different pcs, nothing works. Here's my test SLN config.

# It is recommended not to edit this file directly, and instead copy

# the options you want to change to a file at config_local/sln.ini and

# keep config/sln.ini synchronized with the latest version of EOSERV


## SLN (bool)

# Enable or disable SLN

# NOTE: This will put your webserver on a publicly viewable list of servers

# This service has been discontinued. Please leave this option disabled.

SLN = yes

## SLNURL (string)

# URL of SLN server

SLNURL = http://www.apollo-games.com/SLN/sln.php/  

## SLNHost (string)

# Hostname that resolves to your server

# Leave it blank to use your IP address

SLNHost = 

## SLNSite (string)

# Website for your server

# Leave it blank if you don't have one

SLNSite = 

## ServerName (string)

# Common name of your server

ServerName = Test

## SLNPeriod (number)

# How often your server checks in with the SLN server

# Should be between 5 and 30 minutes

SLNPeriod = 5m

## SLNZone (string)

# Zone your server belongs to (must be approved by zone admin first)

# Leave blank to use the public zone

SLNZone = 

## SLNBind (string)

# Connects to the SLN through a specified IP address

# This is required if you run servers on an address other than your default

# 0 = disabled

# 1 = use listen address (if available)

SLNBind = 0

## BotCharacters (String)

# Mark certain character names as bots

# If you run a bot on your server you MUST list it here if SLN is enabled

# e.g. BotCharacters = arenabot, dressbot

BotCharacters = 

Any ideas?

5 years, 43 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > SLN update error, failed to add new server record