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The Seed.
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Post #203444 The Seed.

Hello it is me again. I have been working hard on Dedera mapping and such getting ready for the beta-release. However due to being shy on some funds that i am really in need of for finishing up on a few things. I have decided that i will share the source coding of my game minus the models and a select few other things with a select few people. The core source of my Dedera has been 100% rewritten and i am shy around $400 of finishing up on a few things. The core of Dedera has been named The Seed. And i am willing to sell 8 copies of it at $50 each. If you are interested in buying a copy of the source than send me a message on here. This is a limited time offer only. And i might be giving out even less copies depending on how fast i am able to raise the money myself.

Update never mind i have talked to a friend i am going to do a kickstarter project to raise the funds. This post can be deleated.

6 years, 41 weeks ago
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