EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release
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Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release
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Post #203336 Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release

Endless Island Modification (EIM) is a free open-source modification for EOSERV.

EIM takes the time and hassle out of creating the fundamental game content required for EOSERV, it is the culmination of many weeks and months of mapping, scripting, data editing, graphics editing, balancing and configuration, saving developers from having to create a new server from scratch, and being able to instantly deploy a complete game in minutes, with tons of potential for additional improvements.

EIM is also a direct rip of EONS.HOST - Island


Full-server - [EIM + EOSERV + MySQL] (recommended, deploy game in minutes) - HERE

No-database - [EIM + EOSERV] (requires your own database) - HERE

Mod-only - [EIM] (just the pub and ini files) - HERE

Tools - [editors to modify] - HERE

Client - [EOPS + AtlasGUI + S.o.B] - HERE

Current Features:

- 74 unique and original map files, mainly of large 100x100 size.

- 78 quests and scripted NPC's.

- 14 class automated phase system.

- 252 balanced and useful items.

- 164 balanced and spawned NPC types.

- 1 skill (bandage self).

- Scripted island building / class upgrade / 15 phase system.

- Option to gift resources for island building system (easy mode default).

- Scripted phase syncing transportation system.

- Large world, fully spawned wildlife and enemies, all with drops and balanced stats.

- Numerous fully stocked shops that will buy your unwanted items.

- The preempts for a working economy (minus the players).

- Daily NPC greeting experience, numerous daily income systems.

- Daily trading system, daily pilgrimage and invasion systems.

- Daily specific stat focus, with randomised amount gained training system.

- Custom win/lose/tie gambling for coin and experience system.

- Unique and balanced stats formula.

- Numerous tier based equipment sets and crafted items.

- Numerous boss type areas and encounters.

- Renowned (based on activity) based crafting systems.

- Custom innkeeper home setting systems.

- Custom race / skin changing system.

- Custom title changing system.

- An arena for some lulz.

- A pirate themed vocabulary for scripted NPC's, yeargh!

Installation guides:


1) Download and extract the EIM archive to a location of your choosing.

2) Download and extract the EIM_Tools archive to a location of your choosing.

3) Run the MySQL_Start .bat file to start the Database Server.

4) Load HeidiSQL and log in to the default account (U:root P:root).

5) Navigate to Tools > User Manager, modify the username and password to your choosing, exit HeidiSQL.

6) Navigate to Config > Database and open mysql.ini with a text editor.

7) Update with your new database user and password, save the file.

8) Run EOSERV.exe to launch the server.


1) Download and extract the EIM archive to a location of your choosing.

2) Download and extract the EIM_Tools archive to a location of your choosing.

3) Navigate to Config and set up your database type and connection (MySQL or SQLite).

4) Run EOSERV.exe to launch the server.


1) Download and extract the EIM archive to a location of your choosing.

2) Replace all files in to your EOSERV root folder.

3) Navigate to Config and set up your database type and connection (MySQL or SQLite).

4) Run EOSERV.exe to launch the server.

*Optional* Port-forward on port 8078 to allow incoming connections / players.

*Optional* Navigate to Config and edit sln.ini with a text editor, enable SLN as required.

I hope it helps some people who are new to EOSERV, and don't want to spend weeks getting off the ground!

Host of a blacklisted server...
7 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #203338 Re: Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release

Great release. Thanks for all the work you put in to this!

stay tuned.
7 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #203340 Re: Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release

Very good addition to the community!

7 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #203342 Re: Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release

Looks great :) Would be nice if someone made a server like that. I appreciate it much :)

7 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #203344 Re: Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release

Sorry if anyone tried to access the server / website over last 12 hours (ish), a network fault occurred while I was asleep and it needed to be repaired.

All back up and running now.

Jimmyee posted: (20th Jun 2017, 09:58 am)

Looks great :) Would be nice if someone made a server like that. I appreciate it much :)

game.eomods.com is online :)

andrewbob1 posted: (20th Jun 2017, 03:41 am)

Great release. Thanks for all the work you put in to this!

I hope it gets put to some good uses :)

Holystone posted: (20th Jun 2017, 05:14 am)

Very good addition to the community!

I hope so as well :)

Host of a blacklisted server...
7 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #203345 Re: Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release

I have a VM I have it purchased for 24 months. I will try out what you have to offer here :) just working on getting it all setup an such working on my database right now :) an trying to get the Map editor to work for me it keeps crashing :-/

7 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #203346 Re: Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release
Drewbob posted: (20th Jun 2017, 05:19 pm)

I have a VM I have it purchased for 24 months. I will try out what you have to offer here :) just working on getting it all setup an such working on my database right now :) an trying to get the Map editor to work for me it keeps crashing :-/

Your map editor likely won't work on a virtual machine, as it is likely missing the required graphics capabilities. I think the VM admin could enable these capabilities, though they are generally disabled by default. At least it is with me and VM Virtualbox.
Host of a blacklisted server...
7 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #203347 Re: Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release

The map editor works better on my VM then on my PC haha, for some reason it just doesn't work right on my PC or on my VM. The buttons on the pallet doenst load right and it just doesnt let me look at differnt tiles very easly it sometimes crashes. Once I have it up an running I'll start working on the Server though :) I am excited to look through your stuff \

7 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #203348 Re: Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release
Drewbob posted: (20th Jun 2017, 06:17 pm)

The map editor works better on my VM then on my PC haha, for some reason it just doesn't work right on my PC or on my VM. The buttons on the pallet doenst load right and it just doesnt let me look at differnt tiles very easly it sometimes crashes. Once I have it up an running I'll start working on the Server though :) I am excited to look through your stuff \

You could try the one from EOSERV's downloads page, it is likely the same version though.
Host of a blacklisted server...
7 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #203351 Re: Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release

Nice of you to work on a project like this and provide everything for everyone.
Good job, I'm sure this will be useful for many! Thanks.

EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
7 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #203357 Re: Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release
shayne posted: (23rd Jun 2017, 04:07 am)

Nice of you to work on a project like this and provide everything for everyone.
Good job, I'm sure this will be useful for many! Thanks.

I figured a lot of people that turn up new to EOSERV, leave shortly after because there is no template, no default etc. Some mods for EOSERV should allow a more user-friendly approach for people interested in hosting a server, without the time and effort spare to be lifelessly developing!

I'm working on a site EOMods.com, if anyone else has some work they would like to share with the community, we can make a go of it. Give them some selection for EOSERV, rather than Island, or build your own!

I would love to see several mods available, and this expanding to a decent catalogue of "game-types" for EOSERV.

If EOSERV could be deployed in a small amount of time, it becomes a more attractive option for new people, if however, it is like it is currently - A compile guide that doesn't work, an emulator missing needed files, and an empty world that you can do nothing in - then new people will simply come, realise they are expected to dedicate many weeks and months learning about EOSERV, even before they can really use it for anything productive, which leads them to simply drop it and leave.

Hence the ever-dwindling community.

People are intrinsically lazy, if there is a simple option, they tend to take it, nothing wrong with that, but this must be understood if there is any hope of this community growing, rather than shrinking.

Providing new people with something that does not ask them to learn everything involved is a good start. If EOSERV could be easily compiled (for someone that doesn't want to scour the forums searching for answers) - update the outdated guide already - then more people would stick around. It's quite simple really, EOSERV is not user-friendly, and EOSERV's staff / developers, are not user-friendly, so users just leave as it's hostile / user-unfriendly.

Host of a blacklisted server...
7 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #203374 Re: Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release
sob posted: (23rd Jun 2017, 11:15 am)

shayne posted: (23rd Jun 2017, 04:07 am)

Nice of you to work on a project like this and provide everything for everyone.
Good job, I'm sure this will be useful for many! Thanks.

I figured a lot of people that turn up new to EOSERV, leave shortly after because there is no template, no default etc. Some mods for EOSERV should allow a more user-friendly approach for people interested in hosting a server, without the time and effort spare to be lifelessly developing!

I'm working on a site EOMods.com, if anyone else has some work they would like to share with the community, we can make a go of it. Give them some selection for EOSERV, rather than Island, or build your own!

I would love to see several mods available, and this expanding to a decent catalogue of "game-types" for EOSERV.

If EOSERV could be deployed in a small amount of time, it becomes a more attractive option for new people, if however, it is like it is currently - A compile guide that doesn't work, an emulator missing needed files, and an empty world that you can do nothing in - then new people will simply come, realise they are expected to dedicate many weeks and months learning about EOSERV, even before they can really use it for anything productive, which leads them to simply drop it and leave.

Hence the ever-dwindling community.

People are intrinsically lazy, if there is a simple option, they tend to take it, nothing wrong with that, but this must be understood if there is any hope of this community growing, rather than shrinking.

Providing new people with something that does not ask them to learn everything involved is a good start. If EOSERV could be easily compiled (for someone that doesn't want to scour the forums searching for answers) - update the outdated guide already - then more people would stick around. It's quite simple really, EOSERV is not user-friendly, and EOSERV's staff / developers, are not user-friendly, so users just leave as it's hostile / user-unfriendly.

Well you've got a good thing going here. I pretty much agree with everything you said. I think people really do get intimidated/annoyed with all the undocumented compiling errors, and prerequisites before they can even launch their server. Like you said, if there are new people that run into these issues, they likely either won't bother trying to get things working, or end up not being able to get things working. Part of the problem is there is lots of eoserv/server related information scattered around, that is not so easy to find. A lot of important information, doesn't even exist. Which is why this sort of project could be very useful, especially for some one who is new to building a server.

To quote you:
'It's quite simple really, EOSERV is not user-friendly, and EOSERV's staff / developers, are not user-friendly, so users just leave as it's hostile / user-unfriendly.'

The above really says it all. The community is already very small, and there are very few people around to help in the sort of way you are as aswell..
Really, the more information that is around, and the easier that things are for people, the more inclined people will be to stick around, learn, and help others, as you've said.

I'll register at some point soon on your site! Maybe I can help you with stuff in the future, if you need help at some point.
EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
7 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #203375 Re: Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release

I am probably going to go user-unfriendly here and say there have been a lot of people come here with zero programming background and have not only figured out how to compile and run EOSERV, but also have learned programming well beyond this project. There is quite frankly a lot of github programs out there that developers just drop off and never look back on. What one should be challenged to do is find one of the dozens of compiling guides, port forwarding guides, database setup guides, web page setup guides, etc that have been posted here not only by Sausage and I, but by various members of the community as well. It is a bit of work to set up everything, and there are a few methods of setting everything up which is more confusing for new members. Even better is the fact EOMap doesn't always play nice with certain graphic drivers. I would say you are right, this is a pretty user-unfriendly community and to be honest we are probably busy doing other things (or not) most of the time. Quite honestly, most of the community answers questions well enough that we don't have to jump on every topic, but if it is legitimately some mind boggling question that seems obscure I try to either answer it or point Sausage here as he is the go-to brain. Anyway, you guys are grown for the most part and you have teh internetz. I am sure there is little you can't figure out.

7 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #203377 Re: Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release
Apollo posted: (25th Jun 2017, 12:38 am)

I am probably going to go user-unfriendly here and say there have been a lot of people come here with zero programming background and have not only figured out how to compile and run EOSERV, but also have learned programming well beyond this project. There is quite frankly a lot of github programs out there that developers just drop off and never look back on. What one should be challenged to do is find one of the dozens of compiling guides, port forwarding guides, database setup guides, web page setup guides, etc that have been posted here not only by Sausage and I, but by various members of the community as well. It is a bit of work to set up everything, and there are a few methods of setting everything up which is more confusing for new members. Even better is the fact EOMap doesn't always play nice with certain graphic drivers. I would say you are right, this is a pretty user-unfriendly community and to be honest we are probably busy doing other things (or not) most of the time. Quite honestly, most of the community answers questions well enough that we don't have to jump on every topic, but if it is legitimately some mind boggling question that seems obscure I try to either answer it or point Sausage here as he is the go-to brain. Anyway, you guys are grown for the most part and you have teh internetz. I am sure there is little you can't figure out.

End of the day, it's not really a matter of if one can or cannot do it, it's that if I'm new to a project, and the key project information, such as setup and configuration, or more crucially compiling, is hard to come by (or inconvenient to source), then I'd likely just move on and find a more readily deploy-able solution. There is plenty to choose from right!

Considering -

If I have no background knowledge of EOSERV, I have no clue as to the specific method to compile it, as it's certainly not as simple as would be expected, and the guide certainly does not work without further sourcing of information, so why would I put any further effort in to this project? I don't know if it even is working, it seems no longer updated by the impression given from the outdated guide. Further, if I endeavour to follow a guide, and then spend effort only to discover that my effort was wasted on a guide that doesn't work anymore, is there much chance I will spend more effort, or just abandon it? An old user may persevere, where as a new user may simply abandon.

Sure, I could find all this, on the internet and on the forums, and I could use the Search function as I should be doing, but for the life of me, I can't see a search function on EOSERV, leading me again to think, I'll find something else to mess around with.

Let's face it, at an early stage, for a new user to EOSERV, all they are going to be doing is "messing around". If they can't do that easily to get to grips with what it is about, and can do, its potential etc... then why would they stick around?

EOSERV has people that have gone far beyond this code and project, for sure! But I can bet they almost all started out playing the original Endless Online, or migrated to EOSERV in its early days, and have simply stuck around (hence the ever dwindling community, I'm guessing currently under 20 active users), the options for new people however, are why it would grow, or not grow.

To be fair, this isn't a dig at you or anyone else (apart from maybe someone should update the compile guide so it actually works!), for the most part, all the information can be found on the forum and google, and technical questions do get answered promptly by the community, I'm more getting at there should be a well put together system for a new user with no background knowledge into this project, to get going without having to ask any questions, after all, people only ask questions because they didn't find the answer themselves, and yes, most of the time they could have searched themselves, but they don't, because people are lazy af. In a world where everyone else is trying to give lazy people everything on a plate, a community where they only help those that help themselves, will not do so well! This is a sad truth about the world really, and is not limited to EOSERV!

Keeping in mind that people are lazy af then, if the project is to grow, entice everyone, not just those that are more than capable! Those "capable people", are few and far between I think you will find.

Billions of people with the internet, divided by, those that are looking for a game to host or build, divided by, those that find eoserv.net, divided by, those that are capable enough to compile via several guides, divided by, those that want to spend several weeks at least getting going = less than 20 I guess?

Billions of people with the internet - "those that are looking for a game to host or build" - Market to them, brand EOSERV as a Server/Client for game making, mmorpg maker etc.

Billions of people with the internet - "those that find eoserv.net" - are people searching for Endless Online, once a good idea, now it should be refocused on the game developer community.

Billions of people with the internet - "those that are capable enough to compile via several guides" - people searching for Endless Online, generally do not meet this criteria, as they are searching to play, some nostalgia, not develop a game.

Billions of people with the internet - "those that want to spend several weeks at least getting going" - Most will only dedicated time and effort after confirming potential, rather than beforehand.

Just some thoughts, EOSERV has a lot of potential as a 2d mmorpg engine / 2d game development kit etc, but as a hobby server for someone that wants some Endless Online nostalgia, less than 20 people (ish).

shayne posted: (25th Jun 2017, 12:21 am)

sob posted: (23rd Jun 2017, 11:15 am)

shayne posted: (23rd Jun 2017, 04:07 am)

Nice of you to work on a project like this and provide everything for everyone.
Good job, I'm sure this will be useful for many! Thanks.

I figured a lot of people that turn up new to EOSERV, leave shortly after because there is no template, no default etc. Some mods for EOSERV should allow a more user-friendly approach for people interested in hosting a server, without the time and effort spare to be lifelessly developing!

I'm working on a site EOMods.com, if anyone else has some work they would like to share with the community, we can make a go of it. Give them some selection for EOSERV, rather than Island, or build your own!

I would love to see several mods available, and this expanding to a decent catalogue of "game-types" for EOSERV.

If EOSERV could be deployed in a small amount of time, it becomes a more attractive option for new people, if however, it is like it is currently - A compile guide that doesn't work, an emulator missing needed files, and an empty world that you can do nothing in - then new people will simply come, realise they are expected to dedicate many weeks and months learning about EOSERV, even before they can really use it for anything productive, which leads them to simply drop it and leave.

Hence the ever-dwindling community.

People are intrinsically lazy, if there is a simple option, they tend to take it, nothing wrong with that, but this must be understood if there is any hope of this community growing, rather than shrinking.

Providing new people with something that does not ask them to learn everything involved is a good start. If EOSERV could be easily compiled (for someone that doesn't want to scour the forums searching for answers) - update the outdated guide already - then more people would stick around. It's quite simple really, EOSERV is not user-friendly, and EOSERV's staff / developers, are not user-friendly, so users just leave as it's hostile / user-unfriendly.

Well you've got a good thing going here. I pretty much agree with everything you said. I think people really do get intimidated/annoyed with all the undocumented compiling errors, and prerequisites before they can even launch their server. Like you said, if there are new people that run into these issues, they likely either won't bother trying to get things working, or end up not being able to get things working. Part of the problem is there is lots of eoserv/server related information scattered around, that is not so easy to find. A lot of important information, doesn't even exist. Which is why this sort of project could be very useful, especially for some one who is new to building a server.

To quote you:
'It's quite simple really, EOSERV is not user-friendly, and EOSERV's staff / developers, are not user-friendly, so users just leave as it's hostile / user-unfriendly.'

The above really says it all. The community is already very small, and there are very few people around to help in the sort of way you are as aswell..
Really, the more information that is around, and the easier that things are for people, the more inclined people will be to stick around, learn, and help others, as you've said.

I'll register at some point soon on your site! Maybe I can help you with stuff in the future, if you need help at some point.

We'll see how it progresses, nothing really happening there just yet, perhaps in a few weeks after the robots pick it up and index it properly.

Host of a blacklisted server...
7 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #203418 Re: Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release

what is a modification really? do you mean you've forked off the EOServ source? I feel modification is the wrong word to use here. It makes me feel like you changed something major with the game, but you haven't really because the client is unchanged. It's more like you've added new features, rather than modify existing ones.

I not hacker

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein : Really Great Quote Ramy!
7 years, 37 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EO Server Building > Endless Island Modification (EIM) - Release