EOSERV Forum > Game Development > Getting ready for beta sing-ups. Are you interested?
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Getting ready for beta sing-ups. Are you interested?
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Post #203341 Re: Getting ready for beta sing-ups. Are you interested?
Tinichi posted: (19th Jun 2017, 06:03 pm)

The players level cap is 250 right now however the player lvl cap will be increased in time. Along with this items also will be  able to be upgraded as well and right now the level cap is 250 as well. However their is a chance that the item are able to break while upgrading them. Also exp potions can be created as well. These will be buyable from the cash mall. And they will also be able to be made by the players. However when you are making a exp potion this will rermove a equal amount of exp from the person creating the exp potion. These exp potions will be tradeable to other players. When they are used you will gain that much exp. Also everything you do will gain you exp even if it is eating food. Also mall cash will be able to be traded as well. These are the ways you may come across mall cash. 1 by spending real money, 2 you traded a player for it, 3 it may be dropped by a creature when you kill it, 4 by doing specific quests and receiving it as a reward, 5 you may receive it as a reward from legendary treasure boxes if you find one. Also the whole world is pvp based Safezones will be towns and such. If you pvp someone you will be marked as a player killer for a set time. Warning however on this it may bring negative effects as well. Also with this player pets will help protect their owners. If you have a mount and it is active however you are not riding it. Than the player mount has been known to attack enemies and defend its owner as well.

This seems to be a good way around :) Looking forward to see the effect of it!
6 years, 45 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Game Development > Getting ready for beta sing-ups. Are you interested?