EOSERV Forum > Client Editing > Formulas to convert GFX IDs to resource IDs
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Formulas to convert GFX IDs to resource IDs
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Post #202882 Formulas to convert GFX IDs to resource IDs

I find it very hard to find the resource bitmaps for the given pub items.

I created formulas to make it easier to find them (I currently use Google Sheets to auto calculate the resource ids).

(Just replace the variable "GFX" with your GFX ID)

Note: This is to find the start bitmap ID.

Weapon resource ID:


Shield resource ID:


Armor resource ID:


Hat resource ID:


Boot resource ID:


Effect potion resource ID:

Unknown, I can't find any consistency to create a formula. Any ideas?

Icon resource ID:


In short:

- Weapons increment by 100

- Shields and armor increment by 50

- Boots increment by 40

- Hats increment by 10

- Icons increment by 2

Just your friendly neighborhood Programmer-Man!
7 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #202883 Re: Formulas to convert GFX IDs to resource IDs

It's easier to understand than how I've been doing it, much appreciated. :)

7 years, 6 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Client Editing > Formulas to convert GFX IDs to resource IDs