EOSERV Forum > Client Editing > Allegro 5 Bitmap loader [Release][No windows.h]
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Allegro 5 Bitmap loader [Release][No windows.h]
Author Message
Post #202452 Allegro 5 Bitmap loader [Release][No windows.h]




Files as text Main.cpp PeBmLoader.cpp PeBmLoader.h WindowsDef.h


-With only two user functions
LoadGfxFile : should be used once for every file at the beginning.Loads portable executable file specific properties as file directory,Resource directory file address ,Resource section address and Resource section RVA.
Get_Bit_Map : retrieves a bitmap by looping through the bitmap resource directory using the above properties.Id is the same you get from resource hacker.

Errors should be handled as required and can be found next to "//[Error to be handled]".


EDIT : WOW, i have got an error loading bpp : 8 images only , i will fix it immediately.

EDIT 2 : Fixed loads of errors and cleaned the code and last check then reupload.


7 years, 11 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Client Editing > Allegro 5 Bitmap loader [Release][No windows.h]