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D lvling
Author Message
Post #202387 D lvling

is there away I can take away lvls on an acc

also take st points away aswell

accidentally completed a quest an gained 6 lvls on my acc an now I'm to high a lvl where I'm at in my game to contuine trying to balance game an really ddont want to reset acc an have to regain all levels ive already been through

7 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #202388 Re: D lvling

$setlevel <name> <level>

$setexp <name> <exp>

Use this chart for exp/level reference.

Say you want lvl 66. 

$setlevel playko 66

$setexp playko 38265714

Whatever stat you want to deduct, simply calculate, and use "$set<stat> <name> <amount>"

edit: noted command for stat.

7 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #202389 Re: D lvling

sweet thanks man

7 years, 12 weeks ago
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