EOSERV Forum > Lounge 2.0 > Need help bot
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Need help bot
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Post #201944 Need help bot

I need a bot that works, since I found this one, but it gives me the following error that I show in the image. I have configured everything well when it wants to enter and work but when reconnect stops working, can someone help me?

8 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #201945 Re: Need help bot

As someone said on another topic regarding a bot, it's likely that this is a result of the server's packet sequence protection.

Many of these bots just send a generic char. The server is probably expecting a short, so it's eating a character of the username, giving the server the equivalent of "sername" instead. Ergo, your invalid user/pass bug, which is really just serverside protection against unofficial clients.

Want to learn to pixel?
8 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #201947 Re: Need help bot

I could fix the es bot  but as far I remember the uncompiled version had problems in melee so there is no point in fixing it although if you have a 100% working not I will be glad to fix it.

Protip . there is no main anymore , every private server's owner is against autoing and will instantly permanently ban you (specially sausage)

8 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #201948 Re: Need help bot
freezingsoul posted: (30th Dec 2016, 04:21 am)

I could fix the es bot  but as far I remember the uncompiled version had problems in melee so there is not point in fixing it although if you have a 100% working not I will be glad to fix it.

Protip . there is no main anymore , every private server's owner is against autoing and will instantly permanently ban you (specially sausage)

As far as i know EO2 is a "go wild" server.

Also i can confirm their is issues with a few things other then just logging in.  When my bot did actually log in, walking and melee we're so badly messed up.  Then again this could be in response to what you mentioned in my topic about the sequence protection.

@Cirras - probably a stupid theory, but if instead, i sent the username and password as "eexample" with an additional random letter in-front of the actual password, would it chop off the additional e and send the password as "example" ?  Probably not, but worth asking it haha.
8 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #201949 Re: Need help bot

Changing it to eexample would make it login successfully more often: about 85% of the time instead of 15%, but everything else would still fail almost always.

You either need access to the source code of the bot to fix it, or to contact the server owner and get them to remove the changes to eoserv which breaks old bots.

8 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #201960 Re: Need help bot

The truth is I do not understand much, because my English is bad, but what if I wanted to know is if this error is fixed ?, if so, could someone explain how to fix it?

8 years, 6 weeks ago
Post #201964 Re: Need help bot
edubuiza posted: (30th Dec 2016, 11:33 pm)

The truth is I do not understand much, because my English is bad, but what if I wanted to know is if this error is fixed ?, if so, could someone explain how to fix it?

If your useing an open source version you can fix the login issue as I explained in this topic https://eoserv.net/forum/topic/23834#post201950
8 years, 6 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge 2.0 > Need help bot