EOSERV Forum > Lounge 2.0 > EO hasn't ever had more than 300 people they said...
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EO hasn't ever had more than 300 people they said...
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Post #201897 EO hasn't ever had more than 300 people they said...

Looking at images like this honestly make me sad. This here is right before the server originally went down. 778 flourishing on main. Time has certainly flown right by.. almost 2017.. I can't believe it man.

I miss when Private Servers were REALLY just starting up and there weren't customizations or anything. Rena's started it all for me, I remember it peaking 100+ and hanging out with all my friend there. That was such a good experience and it made me happy. Then BU and FE were big too and those were so exciting to play. I spent years on Main dating back I think to 2006-2007 is when I started.

Why can't I have the same experience now, and why can't we bring this dead community back to life? I would love to see the day when over 100 reach a private server again. 

I'm having a sad December.

8 years, 7 weeks ago
Post #201899 Re: EO hasn't ever had more than 300 people they said...

You should've seen it before that. The highest I ever saw it go was over 2200 people total.

May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
8 years, 7 weeks ago
Post #201900 Re: EO hasn't ever had more than 300 people they said...

Noone has ever said that tho?!

To be fair the era of 1-2k players was pretty much regarded as the apocalypse by anyone who played before it. It came very quickly after the era of 20-40 players, and it's where memes such as the stat whore and "u" originated. Unfortunately the game never fully recovered from this.

I was lucky to escape to the test server soon enough, where I honed my haxing skills in isolation.

8 years, 7 weeks ago
Post #201903 Re: EO hasn't ever had more than 300 people they said...

Ya I remember reaching the first 50 players.  It was pretty sweet actually lol people used to gather in the church and used to hand out dragon armors that they got from foxes lol As much as I want to see 500 people or 1000 people on a server the original eo could not really handle it lol Maps got over crowded really fast :(

8 years, 7 weeks ago
Post #201904 Re: EO hasn't ever had more than 300 people they said...
Sausage posted: (24th Dec 2016, 04:10 am)

Noone has ever said that tho?!

To be fair the era of 1-2k players was pretty much regarded as the apocalypse by anyone who played before it. It came very quickly after the era of 20-40 players, and it's where memes such as the stat whore and "u" originated. Unfortunately the game never fully recovered from this.

I was lucky to escape to the test server soon enough, where I honed my haxing skills in isolation.

From my experience on the main clone, I've argued with several people and they've said the servers have never had many people.

I joined when there were roughly 50-100 people on daily, and was experiencing the awfully packed maps as well when the players skyrocketed.  (fuck.. even going to esprings and sheep you'd have to wait ages, and even then you just couldn't train)

8 years, 7 weeks ago
Post #201906 Re: EO hasn't ever had more than 300 people they said...

I remember when I first joined EO as a child. I pressed many buttons like "T" trying to figure out how to talk to other players. It was a quest for me to figure it out. I tried dropping gold, but didn't have enough to make the letters: "How to Chat?" I finally saw the chatbar, and all of my letters I tried to type. Then realized all I had to do was type, and press enter.

I had a goblins head, and told people I had to go on a quest to a kingdom, to meet a king whom only could make cure my goblins head. lol. Then a person laughed, and was like "lol yo kid I'll go buy you that cure right now, don't be foolish"

I remember clearly seeing there was like 1400 people online. That wasn't a big thing for me though, because EO was my first computer game. A year, or few years later, I was playing, and it became a norm for me to only see 200-400 people online.

Then I was like, "Wait, what the fuck? Didn't this game used to have like thousands of players online?"

For some reason it took time for me to remember there used to be thousands of people playing. Then I convinced myself it was an illusion, a dream, and the game had only ever have 300 players playing. Then it was confirmed by a friend, that the game did indeed have thousands of players lol, or at least 1-2k.

8 years, 7 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge 2.0 > EO hasn't ever had more than 300 people they said...