EOSERV Forum > Lounge 2.0 > Whats new?
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Whats new?
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Post #201635 Whats new?

With all of u?

I havent spoken to anyone as a person in a long time, i am usually jus trololollling <-it gets old

but i really wanna know what everyones up to? Like wtf is up guys?

I got a new computer...i trashed my old one..to much hentai (srry not srry tho)

I uh also somehow managed to secure myself a spot as manager in the hotel i work in. (moneys good, stress isn't.)

And i bought a lakehouse with Samuel this yr, got my first mortgage this week...it's...expensive xD but really nice. A good change from where i WAS living (a hell hole)

Saw alot of old faces r still here...hi. Good to see ur all still lurking around. Wonder if we'll ever outgrow eo. (or atleast the forums)

How is ur life? Going to college? Graduating? Shoveling shit? (saber) idc what it is i jus wanna kno.

Insomniac:I like how in the lounges forum description sausage says "Bitches go crazy." and that's
exactly what you do!
Pixel artist | Mapping artist | Alternative artist | Heavenly Karma | oldbie | top 50  |
Attention whore | main player |
8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201636 Re: Whats new?

I joined Eoserv 4 years ago, so I would be 13 at that time. Back then, I would spend my weekends playing video games all day and eating trash food. Damn, those were the days, though I'm happy I changed. I've been weightlifting for around 6-8 months now (recently came back from a 2 month injury on my elbow... now I'm very careful to prevent injuries and listen to my body) and I've dropped a lot of fat, though I still can't see abs yet because of the bulk life. Right now I'm a senior in high school and shit got depressing for me from day one, since the elbow injury I lost my passion which was weightlifting (I'm back in now running full speed) and then I got rejected a couple of times. I realize now that everyone has their dark ages and I just need to go through mine, I just got to keep grinding through school so I can get into Waterloo for electrical engineering. So yeah, shit's changed really fast since a year ago when I got into weightlifting and dieting and I quit video games, though this year is depressing I will keep striving for change. I realize that next year in Uni will probably be a lot harder if I don't take shit seriously now and become more responsible for everything I do. I should finish my English work now, bye.

8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201637 Re: Whats new?

Working at a plant, playing ESO, had an apartment with my ex. bout to get a place again. enjoying the single life playing games and hanging with friends drinking beer and doing stupid shit for a bit. but mostly just working lots of overtime >.<

Mradio / Grantorino
8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201638 Re: Whats new?

Manager in Training at the place I work. Working on my final free map pack release. Getting ready to move in February. Playing a lot of (And I mean a lot) of Rocket League/FFXV, etc. Finally had to start paying my student loans. Working on some 3d renders. Sleeping.

Former multi-server mapper.
8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201641 Re: Whats new?

I joined in 2009.. I had just turned 9, and now I'm almost 17. Just took the SATs and started looking into where I want to go for college. I'm planning on going for computer science or study what's more interesting to me, which is biochemistry or pharmacology.

stay tuned.
8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201642 Re: Whats new?

I joined when I was 13 and I am now in my mid 20's :D Hosting a server to try and keep the dream alive :D But other than that not much :( Just work work work

8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201649 Re: Whats new?
Misca posted: (3rd Dec 2016, 03:57 am)

Manager in Training at the place I work. Working on my final free map pack release. Getting ready to move in February. Playing a lot of (And I mean a lot) of Rocket League/FFXV, etc. Finally had to start paying my student loans. Working on some 3d renders. Sleeping.

Oi, ranked 2s? 
stay tuned.
8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201662 Re: Whats new?

I also had several new jobs this year, now I'm making 1xx,xxx. Going to college as well. Just started my newest job about a month and a half ago and I'm liking it so far. Still wanting to get more in to programming but all of the jobs I have had have dealt with database stuff >.<

8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201665 Re: Whats new?

I turn 20 in April, currently a sophomore in college for Computer Science and digital design. I also am a member of a fraternity (probably didn't see that coming). Definitely very different from the 15 year old i was when I was very active here. 

Andrewbob - I would be on the fucking copter of rofls

Programmer, Web Developer, and Graphics Designer
8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201667 Re: Whats new?

Currently developing a VR demo that showcases how VR can effectively train hyperbaric and underwater welders at a cheaper cost.

After spending a year and a half in Europe, I'll be attending university as a freshman. 

Turning 20 in March.. hopefully my ambitions will lead me to China.

The good times are killing me.
8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201668 Re: Whats new?
Zack posted: (5th Dec 2016, 11:26 pm)

Turning 20 in March.. hopefully my ambitions will lead me to China.

see u there. doing an exchange program to spend anywhere from 6 - 10 months abroad in china.
8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201669 Re: Whats new?

Just recently ranked 8th overall in my city to compete in the 100m butterfly at a school called John Polanyi C.I. Pretty excited about it thus far. Also got my midterm grades back, currently have a 90% overall average and am applying for a joint nursing program at Ryerson/Centennial. Sadly I didn't realize how important school was initially so I had to come back to high school to get the grades I needed but better late than never.

8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201680 Re: Whats new?

Recently landed a role on Chicago Pd. start filming in a couple of weeks.

My skins dying because you're under it-
I’m done lying to myself for this.
For all the wonder in believing man it’s making me weak-
I’ll fade away & classify myself as Obsolete!
8 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #201681 Re: Whats new?

glad to see everyones doing ok and some of u have actually become quit successful!

Good for u guys =]

Insomniac:I like how in the lounges forum description sausage says "Bitches go crazy." and that's
exactly what you do!
Pixel artist | Mapping artist | Alternative artist | Heavenly Karma | oldbie | top 50  |
Attention whore | main player |
8 years, 14 weeks ago
Post #201705 Re: Whats new?
~Adio~ posted: (3rd Dec 2016, 02:36 am)

Working at a plant, playing ESO, had an apartment with my ex. bout to get a place again. enjoying the single life playing games and hanging with friends drinking beer and doing stupid shit for a bit. but mostly just working lots of overtime >.<

I've also been playing ESO on PC because console eso is a fucking joke, about to max out my CP. @Moonie I've been working and living life, planning on traveling out of the country soon to visit Europe.
8 years, 14 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge 2.0 > Whats new?