EOSERV Forum > Lounge 2.0 > New community forums?
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New community forums?
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Post #201476 New community forums?

So after the shutdown of Rakuhana, we moved to Treos.. not sure why Treos forums were shutdown, but where's the community at now? Sticking here?

8 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #201479 Re: New community forums?

Um this forum has been here for over 8 years and that's not including the eohax forum where this evolved from. But yeah sure, this is the "new" EO forum.

Just don't act like this is Rakuhana or Treos and you'll be fine. Big boy pants only please. =]

8 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #201483 Re: New community forums?

I think sook has some freeforum they're using, I don't know/care enough to check though v.v

8 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #201488 Re: New community forums?
Sordie posted: (17th Nov 2016, 02:03 am)

Um this forum has been here for over 8 years and that's not including the eohax forum where this evolved from. But yeah sure, this is the "new" EO forum.

Just don't act like this is Rakuhana or Treos and you'll be fine. Big boy pants only please. =]

You took that WAY out of context. I have an old account here from 2009, and have been browsing this for years, can't remember the information.

However, what I meant was is the remaining of the community here, opposed to anyone else being on another set of forums or elsewhere. Is EO Serv now the only remnants of the EO Community.

No where at all did I say, or imply these forums are new.

I'm asking where the community from Treos/Rakuhana went to. I have a lot of friends there.

8 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #201731 Re: New community forums?
Sordie posted: (17th Nov 2016, 02:03 am)

Um this forum has been here for over 8 years and that's not including the eohax forum where this evolved from. But yeah sure, this is the "new" EO forum.

Just don't act like this is Rakuhana or Treos and you'll be fine. Big boy pants only please. =]

I know you went afk for a while, but eoserv lounge was closed for like over a year or 2 i think.

Tons moved to rakuhana and treos, eoserv was dead for a while.

8 years, 9 weeks ago
Post #201734 Re: New community forums?

I think the OP was referring to a "community forums" that caters for "socialising", as EOSERV is run and maintained as a project forums, and has stipulated a fairly anti-social / pro-development set of rules (on topic, relevance, constructive, not a message to your friends etc). In short, I wouldn't come to EOSERV to do any socialising at all, just if I have technical queries or input etc. 

As Sordie so eloquently put it "Just don't act like this is Rakuhana or Treos and you'll be fine. Big boy pants only please. =]".

There was a period when EOSERV catered for this kinda of social board, however not any time recently! Leaving an obvious gap for people that want to just hang out and socialise with their EO community friends, this is why the other forums still managed to thrive for a time, despite EOSERV being here since forever (almost)...

I don't know of any that have replaced them, start one perhaps and some of your friends may join it?

Also on a side note, most people that were once involved with the EO community as a whole, have long since moved on to other things, or only come and visit once in a blue moon to see if anything has changed.

Another note, is it possible that the slow decline of the EO community has been impacted by the closure and removal of the social side? It seems logical that if you are looking for developers, having a social side to the forums would bring in more people as a whole, then that whole would contain more people willing, able or learning to develop? Combined with the apprentice methodology (skilled help train the unskilled, unskilled become skilled and help to train the unskilled etc), as most seem to learn this way online, then it seems likely that cutting off the social parts of EOSERV is detrimental to EOSERV! I would just trial a new page / forum link at the top titled "Social" or something, let people treat it like Rakuhana or Treos etc, then while that part does its social thing, some will inevitably come over to the development / technical side if they become interested.

At the moment the following seems likely: Search Google for "EO" or "Endless Online", find EOSERV, quick browse, visit server list, notice it's dead and move on, and thus this project / community shrinks.

Or it could be something like the following: Search Google for "EO" or "Endless Online", find EOSERV, quick browse, notice the social parts, register a new account and start to chit-chat, perhaps looking for some old friends? Perhaps looking to do what Moonie does (whatever you call that!), either way, here and engaging on this website, and thus, this project / community grows.

Sausage can likely verify that the most active this site has ever been, was during the times when it supported highly social, and often highly off-topic users.

Host of a blacklisted server...
8 years, 9 weeks ago
Post #201735 Re: New community forums?

Pretty certain that the site peaked during the 2nd year when there was a lot of development on Sausage's side and a lot of engagement from the community to develop features missing from the official build. After interest in filling in the voids starting dying, off topic threads turned into server turf wars. Nothing here has ever been dependent on non-developmental chit chat. Pretty sure Sausage can back that up with site trends.

8 years, 9 weeks ago
Post #201736 Re: New community forums?
Apollo posted: (10th Dec 2016, 08:04 pm)

Pretty certain that the site peaked during the 2nd year when there was a lot of development on Sausage's side and a lot of engagement from the community to develop features missing from the official build. After interest in filling in the voids starting dying, off topic threads turned into server turf wars. Nothing here has ever been dependent on non-developmental chit chat. Pretty sure Sausage can back that up with site trends.

I would hazard a guess, that those who are left, are only those who have some interest in the developmental side, hence the decrease in population.

The original game had many thousands of users, a very small percentage of those users ended up interested in development, and here from time to time.

A much larger percentage of those users were purely social, why they played EO in the first place.

People bring people, catch 22 kinda thing. If something is too quiet, or too narrow in scope, it stagnates as most can see, a healthy range of both aspects seems beneficial, though this is only theory mind you.

Host of a blacklisted server...
8 years, 9 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge 2.0 > New community forums?