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How could we bring more people to join this community?
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Post #201470 How could we bring more people to join this community?

I miss when there were hundreds of people online, and not just 150 or less people online. How would we bring this thing back to life and have more people creating servers and making servers? I like the thrill of active development then a bunch of new servers come online that you could try out. The same things get boring, and if we don't make something new soon, all players will leave.  Barely anyone plays BU or FE anymore, and i guess that's because of the new EO Main but even that's not getting as many players as the entire community used to have. We need to do something to keep this alive if we are still even spending any time on here.

8 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #201471 Re: How could we bring more people to join this community?

The issue is back in the early 2000s people had crappy computers and not many choices in mmos :) now there is literally thousands of choices and even basic computers can play them so eo is kind of just put on the back burner:( the only hope is a custom client with no limits and classes that work and other features to match what the other games have

8 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #201491 Re: How could we bring more people to join this community?

Your posts are getting repetitive. You've made at least 3 recent threads now on "methods"of "reviving the community". Rather than waste the time making yet another thread on a subject you've dipped your toes in multiple times I'd recommend, if anything, tracking the progress of clients people are already making and contribute ideas for their clients to their threads.

Honestly at this point any thread you make suggesting a way to "fix" or "revive" the community is just a shit post.

Something I do instead of sleeping
8 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #201500 Re: How could we bring more people to join this community?

Really the only thing that killed the community was/is the community.

If you want a community to have decent people working together at something, I suggest you start over, with other people.

I guess it's people in general, they create something "amazing" and then they destroy it.
As stated above, if you want to get a decent community (not specificly the amount of people in a community cause a rotten apple can't be fixed, talking about people here really but it would be weird if I talked about rotten people in my metaphor, which then wouldn't be a metaphor..) anyway I digress.
Go somewhere else, build something new, don't get caught under the rubble.

In general I'm talking about a game/forum here, can be applied to both.

I wouldn't force people to join something that's considered "private" (being a private server etc.)

For example, if I had a known restaurant and it would go awesome for a couple of years, then at the next year it's not going that well and after that it's just going terrible. I wouldn't go and restart the restaurant with the same name, and the same menu, I would just start something new, do it different, do it better.

Man, I'm trying my hardest to explain that it would be a waste of time to restore the EO community. I hope you understand.

"Pineapples and shit."
8 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #201503 Re: How could we bring more people to join this community?

there's already an inexhaustible list of things that are newer and better than EO, so I don't think that's the issue. most people who still play aren't attracted to the game because of gameplay, features or mechanics - it's because it's endless-online, the game we grew up on and where some of us have even made lifelong friends. 

that's why people aren't generally as interested in starting something completely new and different - because that isn't what they want. they want minimal changes, perhaps a few updates, but mainly a larger community so that more people can experience the magic of the game we all know and love. the only problem with that is: it won't happen.

most of EO's appeal, i think, comes from nostalgia which new players wouldn't understand because they didn't grow up on the game. on top of that, even in its prime EO has always been an indie game and attracted a relatively small but cult-like following. it's a hidden gem on the internet that not many know about or will ever know about, and that's part of what makes it great.

in terms of it being a waste of time to pursue EO revitalization projects, though, i agree to a certain extent. if your goal is to bring the game back to its golden era then, realistically speaking, that'll never happen and you might as well focus your energy on something else. if you already understand that this game and community is what it is, and you either love it or hate it for what it is, and still want to pursue EO-related endeavors for your own enjoyment, satisfaction, learning, etc. then that's totally fine.

tl;dr - trying to bring back EO is like trying to make yu-gi-oh cards cool again.

8 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #201526 Re: How could we bring more people to join this community?

I'd think if there were more server developers/servers, and more advertising from a variety of people, the community would expand at least some what.

The main problem is the current community. As in the lack of coders, artists, mappers, developers in general, and advertising.
The second problem, because of lack of programmers, is client restrictions. There's not enough knowledgeable programmers, that can or are willing to build a new client.

There's a few that can, but then time gets in the way. Either they'll quit, or development is slow. (Which is more than understandable, especially given the task...)
Most of the community is here to play the few servers there are, or to chat with friends/others. Not to build the community.

I don't understand why Sausage doesn't want to work on a new client. Surely he's the most capable of anyone in the EO community.
I'm sure he'd rather focus on eoserv, and doesn't have the time anyways. :*(
It would be awesome to see him working on a new client, or even helping EthenMoffat on his client. At least it would help speed up progress, and possibly improve existing code.

What I really don't understand though, is why Sausage doesn't work on a new client as a side project? Even if progress is majorly slow, any progress is good progress. (Usually..)

EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
8 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #201529 Re: How could we bring more people to join this community?
shayne posted: (21st Nov 2016, 04:23 am)

I'd think if there were more server developers/servers, and more advertising from a variety of people, the community would expand at least some what.

The main problem is the current community. As in the lack of coders, artists, mappers, developers in general, and advertising.
The second problem, because of lack of programmers, is client restrictions. There's not enough knowledgeable programmers, that can or are willing to build a new client.

There's a few that can, but then time gets in the way. Either they'll quit, or development is slow. (Which is more than understandable, especially given the task...)
Most of the community is here to play the few servers there are, or to chat with friends/others. Not to build the community.

I don't understand why Sausage doesn't want to work on a new client. Surely he's the most capable of anyone in the EO community.
I'm sure he'd rather focus on eoserv, and doesn't have the time anyways. :*(
It would be awesome to see him working on a new client, or even helping EthenMoffat on his client. At least it would help speed up progress, and possibly improve existing code.

What I really don't understand though, is why Sausage doesn't work on a new client as a side project? Even if progress is majorly slow, any progress is good progress. (Usually..)

To be fair, getting a solid client down is a difficult task for any programmer. I'd guesstimate that even for Sausage, getting a proper client in the works would take at least 6 months or so of upfront time, and then along comes all of the other nonsense that comes with an opensource project of that scope. As far as I can see, he's already got a lot on his plate in addition to maintenance of EOSERV, and now his main clone server as well I suppose.

tl;dr I'm not sure if he's got the time, not that I wouldn't love to see him find some.

Also, Ethan has been working on his client, I watch it quite obsessively and his last commit was under 12 hours ago. 

Want to learn to pixel?
8 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #201530 Re: How could we bring more people to join this community?

Ethan's client is pretty impressive: https://eoserv.net/forum/topic/23322

I like how the map loads differently, it gives EO feel cooler

8 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #201531 Re: How could we bring more people to join this community?

Let's face it , old people will never come back because there is little chance they still remember this game at all.
And who are the new people you want them to join this community console users or smart phone kiddies?
Maybe when simplicity becomes a trend people will agree to play a 2d.

We are here because we all love EO. Remaking eo has no sense because we can simply go play any game out there but it's eo after all what matters 99% eo is not eo.

What's happening here is a simulation of how things go when people get lost in some island , instead of cooperating to survive , they act cruel.

Focus on maintaining the current community .

8 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #201532 Re: How could we bring more people to join this community?
freezingsoul posted: (21st Nov 2016, 08:45 am)

Let's face it , old people will never come back because there is little chance they still remember this game at all.
And who are the new people you want them to join this community console users or smart phone kiddies?
Maybe when simplicity becomes a trend people will agree to play a 2d.

We are here because we all love EO. Remaking eo has no sense because we can simply go play any game out there but it's eo after all what matters 99% eo is not eo.

What's happening here is a simulation of how things go when people get lost in some island , instead of cooperating to survive , they act cruel.

Focus on maintaining the current community .

That's what every old EO player says. "We can just go play another game that is better than a 2D EO". People play 2D games all the time. You're only saying that because you're probably played EO for so long and you look at EO as some ancient game with no good features. If we update the game, I'm sure there are tons of people that would like to play EO 
8 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #201534 Re: How could we bring more people to join this community?
Cirras posted: (21st Nov 2016, 08:18 am)

shayne posted: (21st Nov 2016, 04:23 am)

I'd think if there were more server developers/servers, and more advertising from a variety of people, the community would expand at least some what.

The main problem is the current community. As in the lack of coders, artists, mappers, developers in general, and advertising.
The second problem, because of lack of programmers, is client restrictions. There's not enough knowledgeable programmers, that can or are willing to build a new client.

There's a few that can, but then time gets in the way. Either they'll quit, or development is slow. (Which is more than understandable, especially given the task...)
Most of the community is here to play the few servers there are, or to chat with friends/others. Not to build the community.

I don't understand why Sausage doesn't want to work on a new client. Surely he's the most capable of anyone in the EO community.
I'm sure he'd rather focus on eoserv, and doesn't have the time anyways. :*(
It would be awesome to see him working on a new client, or even helping EthenMoffat on his client. At least it would help speed up progress, and possibly improve existing code.

What I really don't understand though, is why Sausage doesn't work on a new client as a side project? Even if progress is majorly slow, any progress is good progress. (Usually..)

To be fair, getting a solid client down is a difficult task for any programmer. I'd guesstimate that even for Sausage, getting a proper client in the works would take at least 6 months or so of upfront time, and then along comes all of the other nonsense that comes with an opensource project of that scope. As far as I can see, he's already got a lot on his plate in addition to maintenance of EOSERV, and now his main clone server as well I suppose.

tl;dr I'm not sure if he's got the time, not that I wouldn't love to see him find some.

Also, Ethan has been working on his client, I watch it quite obsessively and his last commit was under 12 hours ago. 

I wasn't insinuating it was easy to do. =d I figured a custom client would be difficult and time consuming, even for the best of programmers.

I know Sausage is busy with eoserv, eoclone, life in general, I guess what I'm getting at, is I figured he'd be working on, or helping with a custom client by this point.
I just don't understand why at the very least 'every once in a while', he doesn't slowly work on a new client or help out Ethan with his client.

Maybe I just expect too much from Sausage because of his capabilities. :*(

Yea, I check Ethans client progress every once in a while. I'm glad he's able to stay committed to it like he is. I look forward to seeing where this will get to in the future!
EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
8 years, 12 weeks ago
Post #201557 Re: How could we bring more people to join this community?

Nostalgia keeps most people around. Its funny currently my little 2001 netbook could play eo but I have no want to ever play eo(only thing with windows or linux on it). :\ The game is tiresome, it's not just lacking features it's lacking the original dev team. No offense to the clone team, but eh they lack the fun antics that the original server had back in the prime of EO. 

Not just that, but well like everyone else has said it's an old game, alot of people actually know of EO.. Go to any sub reddit and post a link to a private server and see the replies. They all know what EO is and how horrifying it became. The game isn't really going to be a high functioning mmo ever again (if you can even say it was at one point)... As most people have realized EO turned into a chat client with fun features of killing mobs and lvling up. PK was fun with speed, arena was fun all around, monster killing was boring, mobs where stupidly set up, classes are null and void, and well ect ect. 

Anyways you want the community to grow? Reach out to other communities on your own and bring them in.. See how it goes, it wont go over as well as one might believe. 

8 years, 11 weeks ago
Post #201559 Re: How could we bring more people to join this community?
kodyt posted: (28th Nov 2016, 02:45 am)

Nostalgia keeps most people around. Its funny currently my little 2001 netbook could play eo but I have no want to ever play eo(only thing with windows or linux on it). :\ The game is tiresome, it's not just lacking features it's lacking the original dev team. No offense to the clone team, but eh they lack the fun antics that the original server had back in the prime of EO. 

Not just that, but well like everyone else has said it's an old game, alot of people actually know of EO.. Go to any sub reddit and post a link to a private server and see the replies. They all know what EO is and how horrifying it became. The game isn't really going to be a high functioning mmo ever again (if you can even say it was at one point)... As most people have realized EO turned into a chat client with fun features of killing mobs and lvling up. PK was fun with speed, arena was fun all around, monster killing was boring, mobs where stupidly set up, classes are null and void, and well ect ect. 

Anyways you want the community to grow? Reach out to other communities on your own and bring them in.. See how it goes, it wont go over as well as one might believe. 

I used to think that the original eo admins were gods except rexor lol.
8 years, 11 weeks ago
Post #201580 Re: How could we bring more people to join this community?
kodyt posted: (28th Nov 2016, 02:45 am)

Nostalgia keeps most people around. Its funny currently my little 2001 netbook could play eo but I have no want to ever play eo(only thing with windows or linux on it). :\ The game is tiresome, it's not just lacking features it's lacking the original dev team. No offense to the clone team, but eh they lack the fun antics that the original server had back in the prime of EO. 

Not just that, but well like everyone else has said it's an old game, alot of people actually know of EO.. Go to any sub reddit and post a link to a private server and see the replies. They all know what EO is and how horrifying it became. The game isn't really going to be a high functioning mmo ever again (if you can even say it was at one point)... As most people have realized EO turned into a chat client with fun features of killing mobs and lvling up. PK was fun with speed, arena was fun all around, monster killing was boring, mobs where stupidly set up, classes are null and void, and well ect ect. 

Anyways you want the community to grow? Reach out to other communities on your own and bring them in.. See how it goes, it wont go over as well as one might believe. 

Its actually suprising how many people on reddit know about EO
8 years, 10 weeks ago
Post #201581 Re: How could we bring more people to join this community?

> I figured he'd be working on, or helping with a custom client by this point.

Don't discount that hope just yet! Though no promises.

I'm pretty sure this will have no effect on increasing or retaining the number of players of course.

8 years, 10 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge 2.0 > How could we bring more people to join this community?