EOSERV Forum > Lounge 2.0 > How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)
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How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)
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Post #201186 How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)

I checked EOSERV one week and everything was dead, next week BU but mostly EE lost a major amount of players. 80 on FE and 50 on main now, that's a good thing, right? :D What happened? I wish more people played this dumb game lol

Open to interpretation right?

8 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #201187 Re: How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)

So true Elevations. I agree with every word here. We need more people supporting Endless Online. Endless Online is like my grandfather. Dead but very well cherished. 

±0 Stay on topic please --Apollo 8 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #201188 Re: How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)

EE has all the tools to be a great server but apollo seems to have put his efforts into the longer big picture by betting on EE2 it seems.  Plus with real life it seems like its hard for those admins to come on and moderate the game.  Bu is great but it's very hard for newbies to play and most either beg or are forced to donate to catch up with the ridicules crafting chain lol. FE probably doesn't have a full 80 players on but it does seem to have the most and thats down the fact that ele knows what people want and he gives it to them.  Main clone has alot because most of the main players went there to salvage their accounts they bought with paypal and continue to do so.  At least main clone keeps most of the trolls off the other servers.

*This is all based off my own personal experiences dealing with each server, I may be wrong on some facts*

8 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #201190 Re: How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)

Maybe because it's October half term you idiot? And kids are off school? Or maybe it's the new updates sausage has added and your poor attempt of letting players cheat to try increase your sln count?

8 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #201191 Re: How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)


8 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #201192 Re: How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)

Did this really need a thread? You're just gloating now.

8 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #201200 Re: How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)
arglon posted: (25th Oct 2016, 11:56 pm)

EE has all the tools to be a great server but apollo seems to have put his efforts into the longer big picture by betting on EE2 it seems.  Plus with real life it seems like its hard for those admins to come on and moderate the game.  Bu is great but it's very hard for newbies to play and most either beg or are forced to donate to catch up with the ridicules crafting chain lol. FE probably doesn't have a full 80 players on but it does seem to have the most and thats down the fact that ele knows what people want and he gives it to them.  Main clone has alot because most of the main players went there to salvage their accounts they bought with paypal and continue to do so.  At least main clone keeps most of the trolls off the other servers.

*This is all based off my own personal experiences dealing with each server, I may be wrong on some facts*

I have no desire to fall into any competition with anyone anymore. I have done all that I have really wanted to over the years with EOSERV as a base and did it just as well if not better than the other servers. I have extra unused resources, extra quest scripting that has support but is largely unused, a game client that mostly just needs chat and spells to be done, and too much IRL to spend beating the dead horse that is Endless Online. Does this mean I cash in my chips and walk away? Not a chance. When I want to work on this more I will do so for my own reasons which would be furthering development, not to funnel the remaining players to my front door.
8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201204 Re: How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)
Apollo posted: (27th Oct 2016, 02:42 am)

arglon posted: (25th Oct 2016, 11:56 pm)

EE has all the tools to be a great server but apollo seems to have put his efforts into the longer big picture by betting on EE2 it seems.  Plus with real life it seems like its hard for those admins to come on and moderate the game.  Bu is great but it's very hard for newbies to play and most either beg or are forced to donate to catch up with the ridicules crafting chain lol. FE probably doesn't have a full 80 players on but it does seem to have the most and thats down the fact that ele knows what people want and he gives it to them.  Main clone has alot because most of the main players went there to salvage their accounts they bought with paypal and continue to do so.  At least main clone keeps most of the trolls off the other servers.

*This is all based off my own personal experiences dealing with each server, I may be wrong on some facts*

I have no desire to fall into any competition with anyone anymore. I have done all that I have really wanted to over the years with EOSERV as a base and did it just as well if not better than the other servers. I have extra unused resources, extra quest scripting that has support but is largely unused, a game client that mostly just needs chat and spells to be done, and too much IRL to spend beating the dead horse that is Endless Online. Does this mean I cash in my chips and walk away? Not a chance. When I want to work on this more I will do so for my own reasons which would be furthering development, not to funnel the remaining players to my front door.

And one final thing i would like to say about the mutl clienting being an issue, First of all, MULTI clienting has been happening for fucking years, especially on EO clone and Bones Underground and every server that ever fucking existed every server that even used Sordies EO Addons, Hell sordie even made an EO addon called multiclient just so it can be done. Yet. The moment FE has some players using multi client and is doing really good with players, OH no we have to disable the player counts on the SLN now.. Fuck off.

I spent years trying to invent ways to prevent these types of hacks and the moment i disable them and get tons of players? Now its a fucking problem?? Honestly fuck you all, can't ever win with this retarded community so just fucking ban me.
±0 Off topic --Apollo 8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201207 Re: How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)
Apollo posted: (27th Oct 2016, 02:42 am)

arglon posted: (25th Oct 2016, 11:56 pm)

EE has all the tools to be a great server but apollo seems to have put his efforts into the longer big picture by betting on EE2 it seems.  Plus with real life it seems like its hard for those admins to come on and moderate the game.  Bu is great but it's very hard for newbies to play and most either beg or are forced to donate to catch up with the ridicules crafting chain lol. FE probably doesn't have a full 80 players on but it does seem to have the most and thats down the fact that ele knows what people want and he gives it to them.  Main clone has alot because most of the main players went there to salvage their accounts they bought with paypal and continue to do so.  At least main clone keeps most of the trolls off the other servers.

*This is all based off my own personal experiences dealing with each server, I may be wrong on some facts*

I have no desire to fall into any competition with anyone anymore. I have done all that I have really wanted to over the years with EOSERV as a base and did it just as well if not better than the other servers. I have extra unused resources, extra quest scripting that has support but is largely unused, a game client that mostly just needs chat and spells to be done, and too much IRL to spend beating the dead horse that is Endless Online. Does this mean I cash in my chips and walk away? Not a chance. When I want to work on this more I will do so for my own reasons which would be furthering development, not to funnel the remaining players to my front door.

Oh Alright that makes a lot of sense considering how long you have been apart of this community.
8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201211 Re: How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)

Apollo you really need to chill out. Every post doesnt need a fucking rating. Like how is Elevation's post off topic?? Also how were my posts deleted and others not? Like yeah it was blantant trolling but these people aren't?? Look at the second post of this thread and at Callum's. Stop playing favorites. If you want a troll free forum then delete everyone's posts that are blantant trolling and not just mine, because I'll be doing it as long as there are others who get away with it.

Anyways if you want me to actually post my opinion about this shithole of a topic i'll say that pretty much everything elevations said is spot on. I'm not one to defend him (anymore) but he's completely right. Ya'll need to mind your own business. If his server is doing well you shouldn't immediately think "what is he doing to boost his player count?" You should instead think "what can I do to boost the player count on my own server?".  From the looks of it all you have to do is make the gameplay extremely easy and repetitive and give people free shit all the time. It's not the standard model for a game but with this community that's probably the best way to appeal to them. Makes sense if you think about it.

Tire me.
8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201212 Re: How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)

What are you talking about my post is 100% relevant and on-topic. Pfftt !

8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201213 Re: How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)
Mouse posted: (27th Oct 2016, 11:24 pm)

Apollo you really need to chill out. Every post doesnt need a fucking rating. Like how is Elevation's post off topic?? Also how were my posts deleted and others not? Like yeah it was blantant trolling but these people aren't?? Look at the second post of this thread and at Callum's. Stop playing favorites. If you want a troll free forum then delete everyone's posts that are blantant trolling and not just mine, because I'll be doing it as long as there are others who get away with it.

Anyways if you want me to actually post my opinion about this shithole of a topic i'll say that pretty much everything elevations said is spot on. I'm not one to defend him (anymore) but he's completely right. Ya'll need to mind your own business. If his server is doing well you shouldn't immediately think "what is he doing to boost his player count?" You should instead think "what can I do to boost the player count on my own server?".  From the looks of it all you have to do is make the gameplay extremely easy and repetitive and give people free shit all the time. It's not the standard model for a game but with this community that's probably the best way to appeal to them. Makes sense if you think about it.

You poor children believe I am competing with anyone still? I will do work when I want, at the pace I want, and not for some nonsense player counting. Like I said, I have done everything I have wanted to do in the EOSERV + EO client format. When you say "what can I do to boost the player count on my own server?", I think back several years ago to when I was simply programming features well ahead of the official releases and for that matter any other server and was quite often top of the said list in terms of player counts. I had no pixel artist or anything. With that said, I am somewhat working on a game client which in turn will require me to go back to work in EOSERV, EOMap, and probably make EOPub ground up to support the damn thing. With that on my plate, a full time job, and you know the IRL/being an adult thing going on I could give not a fuck about player counts. But if you do, good for you.

@Mouse directly posting an off topic troll to an administrator would probably get your comments deleted anywhere on the internet. You are capable of good rational thought as above, but seriously what do you expect?

8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201214 Re: How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)

This is why we can't have nice things. there's so little left to this community and it'll continue to fight itself until it is completely dead.

Something I do instead of sleeping
8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201220 Re: How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)

I'll begin posting meaningful updates by October next year for a new game client. Sorry, if it's out of the blue, but I just haven't seen anyone complete a project with this task,  most have given up (I looked through old eoserv archieves). 

Moreover, I'm glad we both see potential in this game @apollo. Till  then, keep your eyes peeled and your excitement grow :)

8 years, 15 weeks ago
Post #201225 Re: How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)
2yearspro posted: (30th Oct 2016, 12:52 am)

I'll begin posting meaningful updates by October next year for a new game client. Sorry, if it's out of the blue, but I just haven't seen anyone complete a project with this task,  most have given up (I looked through old eoserv archieves). 

Moreover, I'm glad we both see potential in this game @apollo. Till  then, keep your eyes peeled and your excitement grow :)

Additional client projects and general effort for a new game client are very much welcome. I'm personally just not ready to sink my entire goddamn life into learning the many frustrating intricacies of creating a graphical client with a decent network protocol in C++.

This is off-topic, of course.
The on-topic wasn't very interesting anyway. 

(We should maybe probably perhaps lock these silly server threads.)

Want to learn to pixel?
8 years, 15 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge 2.0 > How did EE and BU lose so many players? (fair topic?)