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Benzo mania
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Post #200911 Benzo mania

Anyone here ever experienced this poison slowly destroying their gray mass?

Getting rid of it is even more fun. 
If only it was like Hell in Endless Online... Heroin is nothing compared to it, they say.

Even constructing sentences is messed up, yay. I have to revise everything I type at least three times to make sure it doesn't contain parts of other languages I speak that somehow got mixed up in there.

Last time I logged on was three years ago according to the system. I'm glad this project is still ongoing.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
8 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #200912 Re: Benzo mania

i took half a xan once and i couldn't even function. idk how ur even typing tbh.

8 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #200913 Re: Benzo mania

It could be worse. But I saw the light. That is to say, I took my head out of my ass and did some research myself.
I've been on alprazolam (Xanax) since the end of 2012. It all started with an innocent 0.25 mg tablet, because doctors know best. Unless doctors just tell you what they learn in med school. Which is nothing compared to what they should have been taught.

Now, it is not uncommon for MDs in the U.S. to prescribe around 6 mg/day to people who then use it for about 10 to 15 years before their brain has been completely pulverized and they think it might be caused by the benzo... 

I "only" used 1 mg per day. I'm getting rid of it now all by myself because no doctor is willing to take their patient's input into consideration when it comes to making a plan to get rid of it.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
8 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #200916 Re: Benzo mania

I normally only smoke the electric lettuce, although I do use Valium, mainly for something I'm particularly anxious about, very rarely I use it in conjunction with weed if my insomnia is really bad. I got prescribed hydrocodone yesterday even though I told the doctor I didn't need any because there was no pain, so I guess I'll be living it up for a while.

May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
8 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #200917 Re: Benzo mania

Funny how insomnia can also be a withdrawal symptom of a drug with hypnotic properties.

I switched from alprazolam (Xanax) 2 x 0.5 mg (morning/evening) to 2 x 10 mg diazepam (Valium) because of tis longer half-life, so the tapering process should be easier and safer. Convulsions are the last thing you want on top of a dose of rebound anxiety.

Apparently the "sleep option" of the body is disabled sometimes during the withdrawal process. Awesome.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
8 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #200920 Re: Benzo mania

Good ol' benzo's. Lol.

Nice to see you around, Ducci.

CN:BH 4 lyfe
8 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #200921 Re: Benzo mania

If we only had bodies that fit with our minds We wouldn't be in need of these chemicals.

8 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #200930 Re: Benzo mania

Just logged into say hey ducci, hope life's lookin up. Stay strong an keep that head outta ur ass.

8 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #200974 Re: Benzo mania

I'm so sorry :(

I not hacker

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein : Really Great Quote Ramy!
8 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #200986 Re: Benzo mania

In hell right now.

Rapidly tapered down by 1 drop a day to 12 drops of diazepam (Valium) twice a day, which is approximately 0.6 mg alprazolam (Xanax) per day. Once I reach 10 drops twice a day (aiming for upcoming Thursday), I will have withdrawn 50% (2 x 0.5 mg alprazolam to 2 x 10 drops diazepam, which is approximately 0.5 mg alprazolam). And that is just stopping the intake. The elimination and recovery could take up from months to years.

I can't go back now. Once in hell, you have to go through it.

F*** you Apozen, I will come for you and I will defeat you.

And Jimmy, Kody, Alex, Haze, Freezingsoul, Syran... All of you, nice to see you.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
8 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #200987 Re: Benzo mania
Ducci posted: (25th Sep 2016, 03:04 pm)

In hell right now.

Rapidly tapered down by 1 drop a day to 12 drops of diazepam (Valium) twice a day, which is approximately 0.6 mg alprazolam (Xanax) per day. Once I reach 10 drops twice a day (aiming for upcoming Thursday), I will have withdrawn 50% (2 x 0.5 mg alprazolam to 2 x 10 drops diazepam, which is approximately 0.5 mg alprazolam). And that is just stopping the intake. The elimination and recovery could take up from months to years.

I can't go back now. Once in hell, you have to go through it.

F*** you Apozen, I will come for you and I will defeat you.

And Jimmy, Kody, Alex, Haze, Freezingsoul, Syran... All of you, nice to see you.

You technically can't see them.....
My skins dying because you're under it-
I’m done lying to myself for this.
For all the wonder in believing man it’s making me weak-
I’ll fade away & classify myself as Obsolete!
8 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #200990 Re: Benzo mania
Haze posted: (14th Sep 2016, 12:25 am)

i took half a xan once and i couldn't even function. idk how ur even typing tbh.

Light work fam. I usually get fucked up after taking a bar and a half w/ a 25mg edible
8 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #200992 Re: Benzo mania

Awh thanks for the shout out man.

I not hacker

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein : Really Great Quote Ramy!
8 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #201009 Re: Benzo mania
Japanese posted: (25th Sep 2016, 09:48 pm)

Haze posted: (14th Sep 2016, 12:25 am)

i took half a xan once and i couldn't even function. idk how ur even typing tbh.

Light work fam. I usually get fucked up after taking a bar and a half w/ a 25mg edible

i'm not about that life lmao. same shit happened when i took adderall.
8 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #201013 Re: Benzo mania
Japanese posted: (25th Sep 2016, 09:48 pm)

Haze posted: (14th Sep 2016, 12:25 am)

i took half a xan once and i couldn't even function. idk how ur even typing tbh.

Light work fam. I usually get fucked up after taking a bar and a half w/ a 25mg edible

I like the way you do things
CN:BH 4 lyfe
8 years, 25 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge 2.0 > Benzo mania