EOSERV Forum > Game Development > Can I get someone to bring this sprite sheet to life?
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Can I get someone to bring this sprite sheet to life?
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Post #200887 Can I get someone to bring this sprite sheet to life?

What I need done is someone to put skin and clothes on this sprite sheet. I would like fighter graphics you dont even need to use this sheet but just follow the width height and the frame work of the poses.Each clip is 160x330 except the Air Damage/Falling clips are 320x330.


Idle (x1)
    Standing (x1)
    Walking (x6)
    Crouching (x3)
    High Damage (x2)
    Low Damage (x2)
    Crouching Damage (x2)
    Jumping (x3)
    Block (Stand, Air, Crouch) (x1)
    Jab/Punch (Stand, Air, Crouch) (x2)
    Horizontal Strike (Stand, Air, Crouch) (x3)
    Vertical Strike (Stand, Air, Crouch) (x4)
    Air Damage/Falling (x2)
KO (x1)

Heres some finished screens 

8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #200888 Re: Can I get someone to bring this sprite sheet to life?

I could give it a go sometime if you want.

I'm really not that good and still learning though.
I'm busy in rl lately also, and with other projects of my own though.

Just understand I may not get around to it for a while. Hopefully someone else is willing to give it a go, and is more experienced.

Cool looking project by the way. :)

EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #200889 Re: Can I get someone to bring this sprite sheet to life?
shayne posted: (10th Sep 2016, 02:26 am)

I could give it a go sometime if you want.

I'm really not that good and still learning though.
I'm busy in rl lately also, and with other projects of my own though.

Just understand I may not get around to it for a while. Hopefully someone else is willing to give it a go, and is more experienced.

Cool looking project by the way. :)

Cool I'd appreciate  it.. I found some better quality sheets at their original size.

Skeletons Link:

Advent and ninja Link:

So far this project is pretty fun I have most of the programming done I'm down to animating the fighters and some fighter concepts like "how to manage strength, speed accurracy,defense and stamina I'm thinking of starting a fighter with 10 points to devide between the stats and assigning 1 point per win.. but then it gets all complex NPC's then need stats ect so maybe ill just assign each character calculated stats."

I've been working on this engine off and on for a couple years on a few different projects and I plan to release it soon! The engine is made useing sdl 1.2 and Irrklang 1.5.

8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #200890 Re: Can I get someone to bring this sprite sheet to life?

Just a thought, but the player characters look like they belong in castlevania. Might be a theme to work with. I would get rid of the higher res background if you are going with low res player avatars. Just makes more sense.

8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #200891 Re: Can I get someone to bring this sprite sheet to life?
insomniac posted: (10th Sep 2016, 06:23 pm)

shayne posted: (10th Sep 2016, 02:26 am)

I could give it a go sometime if you want.

I'm really not that good and still learning though.
I'm busy in rl lately also, and with other projects of my own though.

Just understand I may not get around to it for a while. Hopefully someone else is willing to give it a go, and is more experienced.

Cool looking project by the way. :)

Cool I'd appreciate  it.. I found some better quality sheets at their original size.

Skeletons Link:

Advent and ninja Link:

So far this project is pretty fun I have most of the programming done I'm down to animating the fighters and some fighter concepts like "how to manage strength, speed accurracy,defense and stamina I'm thinking of starting a fighter with 10 points to devide between the stats and assigning 1 point per win.. but then it gets all complex NPC's then need stats ect so maybe ill just assign each character calculated stats."

I've been working on this engine off and on for a couple years on a few different projects and I plan to release it soon! The engine is made useing sdl 1.2 and Irrklang 1.5.

This seems like a really cool project. That's great you got most of the programming done!

I can't promise I'll get to it right away, but I will definitely give it a try some time soon.
It would be good practice also, as I'm getting back into pixel art again.

Thanks for uploading those sprites, it will be a lot easier for me to have a good reference/example to base off of. =d
EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #200892 Re: Can I get someone to bring this sprite sheet to life?
Apollo posted: (11th Sep 2016, 10:46 pm)

Just a thought, but the player characters look like they belong in castlevania. Might be a theme to work with. I would get rid of the higher res background if you are going with low res player avatars. Just makes more sense.

Yes..The only reason I uploaded that sheet is for reference to the poses. I would like to switch the characters to a higher res but at this point I'll use whatever and try and mesh it together. Thanks for poing that out because in all reality I would like the characters to look more ah realistic.

 Yes I used street fighter as a reference lol. If you like this sprite sheet better use that and ill change my code to work with what ever.
I came across these animated backgrounds link

@Shane thanks theres no rush and no problem.
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #200899 Re: Can I get someone to bring this sprite sheet to life?
insomniac posted: (12th Sep 2016, 04:55 am)

Apollo posted: (11th Sep 2016, 10:46 pm)

Just a thought, but the player characters look like they belong in castlevania. Might be a theme to work with. I would get rid of the higher res background if you are going with low res player avatars. Just makes more sense.

Yes..The only reason I uploaded that sheet is for reference to the poses. I would like to switch the characters to a higher res but at this point I'll use whatever and try and mesh it together. Thanks for poing that out because in all reality I would like the characters to look more ah realistic.

 Yes I used street fighter as a reference lol. If you like this sprite sheet better use that and ill change my code to work with what ever.
I came across these animated backgrounds link

@Shane thanks theres no rush and no problem.
No worries, and sounds good.
I'll let you know when I decide to try it out!

EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #200904 Re: Can I get someone to bring this sprite sheet to life?

I'll attempt one frame for shits n'giggles , but I would probably be doing something more similar to the Street Fighter sheet you posted above. Got nothing better to do other than work on 3d modeling.

Former multi-server mapper.
8 years, 27 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Game Development > Can I get someone to bring this sprite sheet to life?